World War Z Explained

World War Z
Author:Max Brooks
Country:United States
Genre:Horror, post-apocalyptic fiction
Published:September 12, 2006
Media Type:Print (hardback and paperback), e-book, audiobook
Dewey:813/.6 22
Congress:PS3602.R6445 W67 2006
Preceded By:The Zombie Survival Guide

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War is a 2006 zombie apocalyptic horror novel written by American author Max Brooks. The novel is broken into eight chapters: “Warnings”, “Blame”, “The Great Panic”, “Turning the Tide”, “Home Front USA”, “Around the World, and Above”, “Total War”, and “Good-Byes”, and features a collection of individual accounts told to and recorded by an agent of the United Nations Postwar Commission, following a devastating global conflict against a zombie plague. The personal accounts come from individuals from different walks of life and all over the world, including Antarctica and outer space. The "interviews" detail the experiences of the survivors of the crisis, as well as social, political, religious, economic, and environmental changes that have occurred as a result.

World War Z is a follow-up to Brooks' fictional survival manual The Zombie Survival Guide (2003), but its tone is more serious. It was inspired by The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two (1984) by Studs Terkel, and by the zombie films of George A. Romero. Brooks used World War Z to comment on government ineptitude and U.S. isolationism, while also examining survivalism and uncertainty. The novel was a commercial hit and was praised by most critics.

Its 2007 audiobook version, performed by a full cast including Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, and John Turturro, won an Audie Award. A loosely based film adaptation, directed by Marc Forster and starring Brad Pitt, was released in 2013, and a video game of the same name, based on the 2013 film, was released in 2019 by Saber Interactive.


The novel is framed around a series of interviews conducted by a fictionalized version of the author Max Brooks, author of The Zombie Survival Guide (known in-universe as the "Civilian Survival Guide"), as he travels the world a decade after the end of what is most commonly referred to as the "Zombie War".

The pandemic begins twenty years previously in the early 21st century, with the infection of a boy in a village in Dachang, China; the release of the virus, referred to as "Solanum" in The Zombie Survival Guide, is implied to have been unearthed by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. The Politburo initially covers up the outbreak by engineering a military crisis with Taiwan to avoid appearing weak internationally. Nevertheless, thousands of infected quickly spread the virus outside of China through emigration, human trafficking, and the organ trade.

The virus spreads to Cape Town, South Africa, where the first major public outbreak occurs, leading to the virus initially being dubbed "African rabies". A Mossad agent publishes a report detailing the undead threat and recommending countermeasures, but Israel is the only country to take it seriously. The United States, in particular, is overconfident and distracted by an upcoming election, responding only by deploying small special operations teams to temporarily contain isolated outbreaks. Israel, meanwhile, responds by enacting a policy of voluntary quarantine in which it ceases occupying the Palestinian territories, evacuates Jerusalem, and constructs a wall along the demarcation line established in 1967. The government also offers asylum to any Palestinian living in the formerly occupied territories, and any Palestinian whose family previously resided in Israel. These policies spark a civil war by enraging the Israeli religious right, though the uprising is eventually suppressed by the military. Worldwide, a widely marketed placebo vaccine named Phalanx creates a false sense of security. This period later becomes known as the "Great Denial".

The following spring, an unnamed journalist reveals the uselessness of Phalanx and the true nature of Solanum, sparking a crisis later dubbed the "Great Panic" in which global order collapses, with rioting, breakdown of essential services, and indiscriminate culling of citizens killing more people than the zombies themselves. Russia forces a decimation of its military to end rampant mutinies. Ukraine uses VX gas on refugees and its own citizens in an attempt to weed out the infected. Iran and Pakistan destroy each other in a brief nuclear exchange over a refugee crisis. When the U.S. military stages a high-profile battle in Yonkers, New York, their conventional warfare tactics prove futile against the overwhelming horde of zombies, and the military is routed on live television. The catastrophe causes the U.S. President to suffer a nervous breakdown, resulting in his Vice President and cabinet invoking Section 4 of the 25th Amendment and forcibly removing him from office.

Paul Redeker, a former intelligence consultant for the apartheid-era South African government, develops a drastic survival strategy that designates large groups of humans as unwitting bait, distracting the undead to give safe zones time to fortify themselves and build up resources; most countries go on to adopt the controversial plan. The U.S. federal government evacuates west of the Rocky Mountains and establishes a new capital in Honolulu, Hawaii. The International Space Station remains crewed by three astronauts who volunteer not to return to Earth; its commander observes miles-wide "mega swarms" of zombies stretching across Central Asia and the Great Plains. The fallout from the Iran–Pakistan War, as well as the millions of global fires sparked by the crisis, creates a nuclear winter. Knowing that zombies freeze solid in extreme cold, many ill-prepared North American civilians flee into the wilderness of northern Canada, where an estimated eleven million people die of disease, hypothermia, starvation, and cannibalism.

Four years later, a United Nations conference is held off the coast of Honolulu aboard the recommissioned USS Saratoga. Though many world leaders are content with simply waiting until the zombies decompose to reclaim their territory more easily, the U.S. declares its intention to go on the offensive. Determined to lead by example, the U.S. military reinvents itself to more effectively combat zombies as, without a vaccine, every last one must be destroyed to end the pandemic—automatic weapons and mechanized infantry are replaced by semi-automatic rifles and volley firing, and soldiers are retrained to target the head over the torso and maintain steady rates of fire. Troops are also equipped with body armor designed to protect from infection via zombie bites or bodily fluids, as well as the "Standard Infantry Entrenchment Tool" (colloquially known as the "lobotomizer" or "lobo"), a hatchet-like melee weapon designed to quickly destroy a zombie's brain. Other countries begin joining the Americans in their fight, with the United Kingdom constructing fortified, elevated motorways to enable more accessible travel throughout Great Britain while the hordes of undead are being cleared. A new martial art known as Mkunga Lalem, translating to "the Eel and the Sword," is invented specifically to fight zombies.

The contiguous United States is liberated three years after the Honolulu Conference. Global victory is declared after another two years upon the liberation of China, although the British military does not fully liberate London until three years after "Victory in China Day" due to its prioritization of low casualties. Russia, its armories badly depleted, is forced to heavily employ the use of outdated World War II-era equipment while waging a costly, brute-force two-front war. France, desiring to restore its national pride and reputation after its humiliating defeats in the Battle of France, Điện Biên Phủ, and the Algerian War, prosecutes its campaign of the war more aggressively than its Western allies. The U.S. President dies, most likely from heart failure caused by extreme stress, toward the end of the war.

Ten years after Victory in China Day, the world is still heavily damaged but slowly recovering. Tens of millions of zombies remain active, mainly on the ocean floor, mountains above the snow line, and the Arctic; the United Nations fields a large force to eliminate them. Iceland remains completely zombified, as its cold weather and lack of military made it the most vulnerable country to the undead. Following a religious revolution sparked by rampant suicide within the Russian army during the war, Russia has become an expansionist theonomy intent on annexing the former Soviet republics and has adopted a repopulation program under which the nation's few remaining fertile women are used as state broodmares.

North Korea remains quarantined as its entire population mysteriously vanished at the beginning of the pandemic, presumed to have fled into vast underground fallout shelters while remaining ignorant to the end of the zombie threat; fears that the population are now zombified have so far prevented reunification with South Korea. Cuba has become a capitalist democracy with the world's largest GDP. Tibet has become independent from China and hosts Lhasa as the world's most populous city, while China has democratized following a civil war. Several new, unnamed countries have emerged due to wartime governments expelling convicts into infested zones, with many of these criminals surviving and going on to establish their own independent "fiefdoms".

The overall quality of human life has diminished, including shorter life expectancies, limited access to running water and electricity, and the resurgence of diseases like the Spanish flu. Many animals have gone extinct due to overhunting, pollution, or being killed by the undead. Fossil fuels are scarce, with petroleum from the Middle East becoming practically nonexistent after Saudi Arabia destroyed its oil reserves for unknown reasons during the war; sailboats have returned as the most common nautical vessels. Nevertheless, the majority of those who have survived have hope for the future, knowing that humanity faced the brink of extinction and won.


Brooks designed World War Z to follow the "laws" set up in his earlier work, The Zombie Survival Guide (2003), and explained that the guide may exist in the novel's fictional universe.[1] The zombies of The Zombie Survival Guide are human corpses reanimated by an incurable virus with a one hundred percent infection and mortality rate. They are devoid of intelligence, desire solely to consume living flesh, and cannot be killed unless the brain is destroyed. The blood of the undead has coagulated, causing it to appear as a black, sludge-like substance.

Decomposition will eventually destroy a zombie, but this process takes longer than for an uninfected body and can be slowed even further by cold weather. Zombies are also somehow capable of functioning after being unfrozen, and are unaffected by the extreme pressures on the ocean floor. Although zombies do not tire and are as strong as the humans they infect (though they appear to be slightly stronger due to lack of normal restraint), they are slow-moving and incapable of planning or cooperation in their attacks, though zombies can hear and are attracted by the moans of other zombies, potentially creating a "chain swarm."

Brooks discussed the cultural influences on the novel. He claimed inspiration from "The Good War": An Oral History of World War Two (1984) by Studs Terkel, stating: "[Terkel's book is] an oral history of World War II. I read it when I was a teenager and it's sat with me ever since. When I sat down to write World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, I wanted it to be in the vein of an oral history." Brooks also cited renowned zombie film director George A. Romero as an influence and criticized the Return of the Living Dead films: "They cheapen zombies, make them silly and campy. They've done for the living dead what the old Batman TV show did for the Dark Knight." Brooks acknowledged making several references to popular culture in the novel, including one to the alien robot franchise Transformers, but declined to identify the others so that readers could discover them independently.

Brooks conducted copious research while writing World War Z. The technology, politics, economics, culture, and military tactics were based on a variety of reference books and consultations with expert sources.


Social commentary

Reviewers have noted that Brooks uses World War Z as a platform to criticize government ineptitude, corporate corruption, and human short-sightedness.[2] [3] At one point in the book, a Palestinian refugee living in Kuwait City refuses to believe the dead are rising, fearing it is a trick by the Israeli government. Many American characters blame the United States' inability to counter the zombie threat on low confidence in their government and a general exhaustion over conflict due to recent "brushfire wars."

Brooks further shows his particular dislike of government bureaucracy having government figures in the novel attempt to justify lying about the zombie outbreak to avoid widespread panic, while at the same time failing to develop a solution for fear of arousing public ire.[4] [5] He has also criticized U.S. isolationism:



Survivalism and disaster preparation are prevalent themes in the novel. Several interviews, particularly those from the United States, focus on policy changes designed to fundamentally restructure the country to properly survive and combat the pandemic. A new federal executive department known as the Department of Strategic Resources (DeStRes) is formed, led by the former Chair of the Federal Reserve, dedicated to reorganizing the country's limited resources and restarting the economy. It is mentioned that a weakness of the pre-war U.S. was its post-industrial society, with white-collar workers like CEOs suddenly becoming classified as unskilled labor, and considered significantly less valuable assets than blue-collar workers like plumbers.

The effects of the pandemic on the wealthy versus lower economic classes is explored—one interview is told from the perspective of a mercenary hired to protect a wealthy man and his mansion in Long Island, New York, which was fortified and seemingly disaster-proofed at the beginning of the Great Panic. The client populates his mansion with other wealthy celebrities and their armies of personal assistants, and installs cameras in each room to broadcast a live feed of their amenities to the rest of the world. This backfires when a crowd of terrified, desperate civilians storms the compound and sparks a mass slaughter.

Throughout the novel, characters demonstrate the physical and mental requirements needed to survive a disaster—a soldier in the U.S. Army describes a condition he terms "Z-Shock" that causes people to suffer potentially deadly psychological episodes induced by the extreme stress of battling the undead. To treat this, units of "combat shrinks" are formed with the purpose of monitoring soldiers for signs of Z-Shock and removing them from the battlefield when necessary. On the American homefront, a former Hollywood director creates propaganda films designed to inspire hope in the civilian populace, who are being afflicted by a mysterious, stress-related condition known as "Asymptomatic Demise Syndrome" that causes thousands to die in their sleep.[6] Brooks described the large amount of research needed to find optimal methods for fighting a worldwide zombie outbreak. He also pointed out that the U.S. likes the zombie genre because it believes that it can survive anything with the right "tools and talent."[7]

Fear and uncertainty

Brooks considers the theme of uncertainty central to the zombie genre. He believes that zombies allow people to deal with their own anxiety about the end of the world.[8] Brooks has expressed a deep fear of zombies:

This mindlessness is connected to the context in which Brooks was writing. He declared: "at this point we're pretty much living in an irrational time", full of human suffering and lacking reason or logic.[9] When asked in a subsequent interview about how he would compare terrorists with zombies, Brooks said:

During an appearance on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight, Brooks' friend and contemporary novelist Chuck Palahniuk revealed that a major influence on World War Z was the deterioration and death via cancer of Brooks' mother, Anne Bancroft.[10]


Reviews for the novel have been generally positive. Gilbert Cruz of Entertainment Weekly gave the novel an "A" rating, commenting that the novel shared with great zombie stories the use of a central metaphor, describing it as "an addictively readable oral history." Steven H Silver identified Brooks' international focus as the novel's greatest strength and commented favorably on Brooks' ability to create an appreciation for the work needed to combat a global zombie outbreak. Silver's only complaint was with "Good-Byes", the final chapter, in which characters get a chance to give a final closing statement; Silver felt that it was not always apparent who the sundry, undifferentiated characters were.[11]

The Eagle described the book as being "unlike any other zombie tale" as it is "sufficiently terrifying for most readers, and not always in a blood-and-guts way, either." Keith Phipps of The A.V. Club stated that the format of the novel makes it difficult for it to develop momentum, but found the novel's individual episodes gripping. Patrick Daily of the Chicago Reader said the novel transcends the "silliness" of The Zombie Survival Guide by "touching on deeper, more somber aspects of the human condition."[12] In his review for Time Out Chicago, Pete Coco declared that "[b]ending horror to the form of alternative history would have been novel in and of itself. Doing so in the mode of Studs Terkel might constitute brilliance."[13]

Ron Currie Jr. named World War Z one of his favorite apocalyptic novels and praised Brooks for illustrating "the tacit agreement between writer and reader that is essential to the success of stories about the end of the world ... [both] agree to pretend that this is not fiction, that in fact the horrific tales of a war between humans and zombies are based in reality." Drew Taylor of the Fairfield County Weekly credited World War Z with making zombies more popular in mainstream society.[14]

The hardcover version of World War Z spent four weeks on The New York Times Best Seller list, peaking at number nine.[15] [16] By November 2011, according to Publishers Weekly, World War Z had sold one million copies in all formats.[17]


Random House published an abridged audiobook (5 hours 59 minutes) in 2007, directed by John McElroy and produced by Dan Zitt, with sound editing by Charles De Montebello. The book is read by Brooks but includes other actors taking on the roles of the many individual characters who are interviewed in the novel. Brooks' previous career in voice acting and voice-over work meant he could recommend a large number of the cast members.[18]

On May 14, 2013, Random House Audio released a lengthier (12 hours 9 minutes) audiobook titled World War Z: The Complete Edition (Movie Tie-in Edition): An Oral History of the Zombie War. It contains the entirety of the original, abridged audiobook, as well as new recordings of each missing segment. Twenty additional actors read the added segments.

A separate, additional audiobook containing only the new recordings not found in the original abridged audiobook was released simultaneously as World War Z: The Lost Files: A Companion to the Abridged Edition.[19] Its length is 6 hours 13 minutes.



In her review of the audiobook for Strange Horizons, Siobhan Carroll called the story "gripping" and found the listening experience evocative of Orson Welles's famous radio narration of The War of the Worlds, broadcast October 30, 1938. Carroll had mixed opinions on the voice acting, commending it as "solid and understated, mercifully free of 'special effects' and 'scenery chewing' overall", but lamenting what she perceived as undue cheeriness on the part of Max Brooks and inauthenticity in Steve Park's Chinese accent.[21]

Publishers Weekly also criticized Brooks' narration, but found that the rest of the "all-star cast deliver their parts with such fervor and intensity that listeners cannot help but empathize with these characters".[22] In an article in Slate concerning the mistakes producers make on publishing audiobooks, Nate DiMeo used World War Z as an example of dramatizations whose full casts contributed to making them "great listens" and described the book as a "smarter-than-it-has-any-right-to-be zombie novel".[23] The World War Z audiobook won the 2007 Audie Award for Multi-Voiced Performance and was nominated for Audiobook of the Year.[24] [25]

Film adaptation

In June 2006, Paramount Studios secured the film rights for World War Z for Brad Pitt's production company, Plan B Entertainment, to produce.[26] The screenplay was written by J. Michael Straczynski, with Marc Forster directing and Pitt starring as the main character, UN employee Gerry Lane.[27] [28]

Despite being the draft that got the film green-lit, Straczynski's script was tossed aside. Production was to begin at the start of 2009, but was delayed while the script was completely re-written by Matthew Michael Carnahan to set the film in the present – leaving behind much of the book's premise – to make it more of an action film. In a 2012 interview, Brooks stated the film now had nothing in common with the novel other than the title.[29] Filming commenced mid-2011, and the film was released in June 2013.[30]

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Exclusive Interview: Max Brooks on World War Z . Eat My Brains! . October 20, 2006 . April 26, 2008.
  2. Web site: World War Z: An Oral History Of The Zombie War . March 3, 2017 . Phipps . Keith . October 25, 2006 . The A.V. Club.
  3. Web site: The End of the World as We Know it . September 21, 2008 . Currie . Ron . September 5, 2008 . Untitled Books . dead . . December 20, 2008 .
  4. Web site: Brooks redefines the zombie genre in WWZ. February 4, 2007 .
  5. Web site: Brooks puts brains in print for zombie fanatics . September 9, 2008 . Utter . Alden . October 2, 2006 . The Eagle . . August 28, 2008 . dead .
  6. Book Review World War Z . September 19, 2008 . Cruz . Gilber . September 15, 2006 . Entertainment Weekly.
  7. News: Zombie Wars . September 19, 2008 . October 6, 2006 . Washington Post . Max . Brooks.
  8. News: Preview: Max Brooks' Festival Of The (Living) Dead! Barbican, London . September 19, 2008 . Cripps . Charlotte . November 1, 2006 . The Independent . UK.
  9. Web site: Three Answers: Max Brooks . January 15, 2009 . Donahue . Dick . August 7, 2006 . . dead . . November 6, 2013 .
  10. Chuck Palahniuk On Death, Grief, World War Z And Using Metaphor In A "Really Overblown Way". 2021-11-17 . live. YouTube. Strombo. October 31, 2013. September 12, 2018.
  11. Web site: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War Review . September 19, 2008 . Silver . Steven H. . 2006 . SF Site.
  12. Web site: Max Brooks . October 28, 2008 . Daily . Patrick . Chicago Reader . December 21, 2008 . . dead .
  13. Web site: Review: World War Z . September 19, 2008 . Coco . Pete . October 11, 2008 . Time Out Chicago . . September 8, 2008 . dead .
  14. Web site: The Hunt for Real October . October 30, 2008 . Taylor . Drew . October 28, 2008 . Fairfield Count Weekly . . January 16, 2016 . dead .
  15. News: Best Sellers: October 15, 2006 . October 2, 2008 . October 15, 2006 . The New York Times.
  16. Web site: Title Profile: World War Z . January 15, 2009 . Publishers Weekly.
  17. Web site: Brooks's 'World War Z' Hits Sales Milestone . November 10, 2011 . . June 22, 2013.
  18. Web site: Zombies Spreading like a Virus: PW Talks with Max Brooks . June 30, 2022 . Lance Eaton . October 2, 2006 . Publishers Weekly.
  19. Web site: World War Z: The Lost Files by Max Brooks – Audiobook . Random House . May 14, 2013 . 2014-05-19.
  20. Book: World War Z: The Complete Edition . Audible . January 5, 2022.
  21. Web site: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks . September 19, 2008 . Carroll . Siobhan . October 31, 2006 . Strange Horizons . . June 22, 2011 . dead .
  22. Web site: Audio Reviews: Week of 10/2/2006 . January 15, 2009 . October 2, 2006 . . dead . . November 6, 2013 .
  23. Web site: Read Me a Story, Brad Pitt . September 20, 2008 . DiMeo . Nate . September 18, 2008 . Slate.
  24. Web site: Audie Award press release . November 12, 2007 . Audio Publishers Association . 2007 . . July 19, 2007.
  25. Web site: Audies Gala 2007 Winners and nominees . Audio Publishers Association . April 14, 2009 . dead . . June 20, 2009 .
  26. News: Par, Plan B raise 'Zombie' . November 12, 2007 . Variety . LaPorte . Nicole . Fleming, Michael . June 14, 2006.
  27. News: Marshall . Rick . J. Michael Straczynski On 'World War Z': 'The Scale Of What We're Doing Here Is Phenomenal' . MTV Movie Blog . December 3, 2008 . . dead . December 4, 2008 . December 3, 2008.
  28. Web site: EXCLUSIVE: Brad Pitt To Star In 'World War Z,' Paramount Options 'Zombie Survival Guide' And 'Recorded Attacks' . . dead . July 22, 2010 . Marshall . Rick . July 22, 2010 . MTV . August 5, 2010.
  29. Miller. Dennis. Max Brooks discusses World War Z, the movie. dead. August 12, 2013. Mansfield University . YouTube. July 2, 2013.
  30. News: Paramount Release Shakeup: Tom Cruise's 'One Shot' to Christmas; Brad Pitt's 'World War Z' to Summer . McClintock . Pamela . March 13, 2012 . The Hollywood Reporter . March 14, 2012.
  31. Web site: The World War Z Game That Could Have Been | Kotaku Australia . . 2013-10-29. April 28, 2011.