Töre (dynasty) explained

Töre (Kazakh: Төре|Töre) is a Kazakh dynasty and later a clan[1] of the descendants of Genghis Khan. The dynasty constituted the upper class of the aristocratic elite that ruled in the Kazakh Khanate. They were also called "Aqsüiek" and "Sūltan töre".[2] Only Töre were eligible to claim the Kazakh Khan title. The first Kazakh Khans from the Töre dynasty were Kerei Khan and Janibek Khan.

Qūn (Kazakh: Құн|Qūn — payment for killing) for killing Töre was seven times higher than for a commoner.[3]


Most of the Töre are descendants of Tuqa-Timur, a smaller part are Shaybanids.

Töre ruled the Kazakh Khanate throughout its history and, by the right of the descendants of Genghis Khan, had a number of privileges: the title of sultan (a khan was elected from among the sultans), possession of a feudal inheritance. Töre are also not part of any of the zhuzes.

Notes and References

  1. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/genealogiya-kazahstanskih-chingizidov-tuka-timuridov-i-shibanidov-v-kontekste-dannyh-populyatsionnoy-genetiki Генеалогия казахстанских чингизидов (Тука-Тимуридов и Шибанидов) в контексте данных популяционной генетики, p. 121—125
  2. https://books.google.com/books?id=U56fAAAAMAAJ&q=%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B9%D0%B5%D0%BA Актуальные проблемы казахстанского монголоведения, p. 36
  3. https://turkystan.kz/article/55123-zheti-zhar-y-zh-ne-zhal-asyn-tap-an-a-idalar/ «ЖЕТІ ЖАРҒЫ» ЖӘНЕ ЖАЛҒАСЫН ТАПҚАН ҚАҒИДАЛАР