Simurrum Explained

Conventional Long Name:Kingdom of Simurrum
Common Name:Kingdom of Simurrun
Era:Early Bronze
Year Start:3rd millennium BCE
Year End:2nd millennium BCE
Image Map Caption:Territory of Simurrum in the Mesopotamia area
Common Languages:
Government Type:Monarchy

Simurrum (Akkadian: : Si-mu-ur-ri-im)[1] was an important city state of the Mesopotamian area from around 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE, during the period of the Akkadian Empire down to Ur III. The Simurrum Kingdom disappears from records after the Old Babylonian period.[2] It is thought that in Old Babylonian times its name was Zabban, a notable cult center of Adad.[3] It was neighbor and sometimes ally with the Lullubi kingdom.[4]


The Simurrum Kingdom seems to have been part of a belt of Hurrian city states in the northeastern portion of Mesopotamian area.[5] [2] They were often in conflict with the rulers of Ur III.[2] [6]

Several Kings (, pronounced Šàr, "Shar", in Akkadian)[7] of Simurrum are known, such as Iddin-Sin and his son Zabazuna.[8] [2] Various inscriptions suggest that they were contemporary with king Ishbi-Erra .[6] Another king, mentioned in The Great Revolt against Narām-Sîn, was mPu-ut-ti-ma-da-al.[9]

Several inscriptions suggest that Simurrum was quite powerful, and shed some light on the conflicts around the Zagros area, another such example being the Anubanini rock relief of the nearby Lullubi Kingdom.[2] Four inscriptions and a relief (now in the Israel Museum) of the Simurrum have been identified at Bitwata near Ranya in Iraq, and one from Sarpol-e Zahab in Iran.[6] [10] [11]

Akkadian Period

The Simurrun were regularly in conflict with the Akkadian Empire. The names of four years of the reign of Sargon of Akkad describe his campaigns against Elam, Mari, Simurrum, and Uru'a (an Elamite city-state):[12]

One unknown year during the reign of Akkadian Empire king Naram-Sin of Akkad was recorded as "the Year when Naram-Sin was victorious against Simurrum in Kirasheniwe and took prisoner Baba the governor of Simurrum, and Dubul the ensi (ruler) of Arame".[13] [14] Arame is known to be associated with Eshnunna. An Old Babylonian letter also associates Simurrum with Eshnunna. This suggests Simurrum was in the area of that city.[15]

After the Akkadian Empire fell to the Gutians, the Lullubians and the Simurrums rebelled against the Gutian ruler Erridupizir, according to the latter's inscriptions:

At one point, Simurrum may have become a vassal of the Gutians.[2]

Ur III Period

The Ur III empire was frequently in conflict with the city. A year name of the second ruler, Shulgi, was "Year Simurrum and Lullubum were destroyed for the ninth time". In one of these conflicts Shulgi captured the ruler of Sumurrum, Tabban-darah, and sent him to exile in Drehem. Sillus-Dagan is known to have been a governor of Simurrum under Ur III at the time of ruler Amar-Sin.[16] [17] It has been suggested that he was an Amorite.[18] Four texts from Drehem with seals mentioning him have been found, including:

During the rule of Su-Sin in the waning years of the Ur III Empire an administrator assigned to build the Mardu Wall reported "When I sent for word (to the area) between the two mountains it was brought to my attention that the Mardu were camped in the mountains. Simurrum had come to their aid. (Therefore) I proceeded to (the area) "between" the mountain range(s) of Ebih in order to do battle".

Military struggles continues up to the time of the final ruler of Ur III, Ibbi-Sin.[19] Simurrum seems to have become independent after the collapse of Ur III.[6]

In order to make peace with a fellow ruler Turukki leader Zaziya (Ur III period) handed over a ruler of Simurrum:

Rulers of Simurrum

The petty kings and governors of the kinglet or province of Simurrum.

Akkadian Period, Early Bronze IVA

Ur III Period - Early Bronze IVB - Province

Kingdom - Middle Bronze I - Independent


It has been proposed that the city was on the Diyala river (which begins as the Sirwan River in Iran).[20]

An early Assyriologist suggested Simurrum was near "Tell 'Ali" which is not far from mouth of the Lower Zab on its left bank and is on the direct line from Assur to Arrapha (Kirkuk), which it is west of, saying "The region south of Tell 'Ali has never been examined by archaeologists, but seems to contain numerous ruined towns and canals".[21] Twenty five cuneiform tablets from the Middle Assyrian period were found at the site.[22] [23]

The site of Qala Shirwana, a large mound tall with an additional 10m (30feet) citadel at the top in the southern basin of the Diyala river, on its west bank, near the modern town of Kalar, has been suggested as the site of Simurrum.[24] The upper mound has an area of 5.5 hectares. While the site is completely built over now, early satellite photographs indicate that there was a 100 hectare lower town. Second millennium BC pottery is often found during construction.[25]

A complication is that when a city-state captured large numbers of soldiers etc. they were sometimes placed in rural settlements named after their origin, a practice that continued into Neo-Babylonian times. There were settlements near Girsu/Lagash named Lullubu(na) and Šimurrum for example.[26]

A number of texts closely link Karaḫar and Simurrum and they are thought to be in the same area. Karaḫar is thought to be between Simurrum and Eshnunna.[27] One of Sulgi's late year names was "Year Karaḫar was defeated for the second time".[28] Two ensis of Karaḫar under the Ur III empire are known, Ea-rabi and Arad-Nanna.[29]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Shaffer . Aaron . Iddi(n)-Sîn, King of Simurrum: A New Rock-Relief Inscription and a Reverential Seal . Zeitschrift für Assyrologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie . 2003 . 93 . 1 . Zeitschrift für Assyoriologie . 7–12 .
  2. Book: Eidem . Jesper . The Shemshāra Archives 1: The Letters . 2001 . Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab . 9788778762450 . 24 .
  4. Book: Hamblin . William J. . Warfare in the Ancient Near East to 1600 BC . 2006 . Routledge . 115–116 . 9781134520626 .
  6. Book: Frayne . Douglas . Old Babylonian Period (2003-1595 BCE) . 1990 . University of Toronto Press . 9780802058737 . 707–716 .
  7. Shaffer . Aaron . Iddi(n)-Sîn, King of Simurrum: A New Rock-Relief Inscription and a Reverential Seal . Zeitschrift für Assyrologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie . 2003 . 93 . 1 . Zeitschrift für Assyoriologie . 32–35 .
  8. Seidl, U., Das Relief, in A. Shaffer and N. Wasserman, Iddi(n)-Sin, King of Simurrum: A New Rock Relief Inscription and a Reverential Seal, ZA 93, 39-52, 2003
  9. J. G. Westenholz, "Legends of the Kings of Akkade", Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1997
  10. Book: Osborne . James F. . Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology . 2014 . SUNY Press . 9781438453255 . 120 .
  11. Fouadi, A. H. A., Inscriptions and Reliefs from Bitwata.", Sumer, vol. 34, no. 1-2, pp. 122–29, 1978
  12. Web site: T2K1.htm.
  13. Web site: T2K3.htm.
  14. Cohen, Mark E., "A New Naram-Sin Date Formula.", Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 227–32, 1986
  15. Finkelstein, J. J., "Subartu and Subarians in Old Babylonian Sources", Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 1955
  16. Owen, David I., and S. Graziani, "The royal gift seal of Ṣilluš-Dagan, Governor of Simurrum." Studi sul Vicino Oriente antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni 61, pp.815-846, 2000
  17. Collon, Dominique, "The Life and Times of TEḪEŠ-ATAL", Revue d’Assyriologie et d’archéologie Orientale, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 129–36, 1990
  18. Meijer, Diederik J. W., "Marginal and Steppic Areas as Sources for Archaeological Debate: A Case for “Active Symbiosis” of Town and Country", Constituent, Confederate, and Conquered Space: The Emergence of the Mittani State, edited by Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum, Nicole Brisch and Jesper Eidem, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 163-178, 2014
  19. Jacobsen, Thorkild., "The Reign of Ibbī-Suen.". Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 1953
  20. Frayne, D.R., "On the location of Simurrum" in Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons: Studies in Honor of Michael C. Astour, pp. 243-269, 1997
  22. Ismail, Bahijah Kh., and J. Nicholas Postgate, "A Middle Assyrian Flock-Master's Archive from Tell Ali", Iraq, vol. 70, pp. 147–78, 2008
  23. Ismail, Bahijah Kh., "Informationen iiber Tontafeln aus Tell-Ali", in H. Klengel (ed.), Gesellschaft und Kultu im alten Vorderasien, Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des alten Orients 15, Berlin, 1982
  26. Steinkeller, Piotr, "Corvée labor in Ur III times", From the 21st Century BC to the 21st Century AD 10 (2013), pp. 327-424, 2018
  27. Ghobadizadeh, Hamzeh and Sallaberger, Walther, "Šulgi in the Kuhdasht Plain: Bricks from a Battle Monument at the Crossroads of Western Pish-e Kuh and the Localisation of Kimaš and Ḫurti", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 3-33, 2023
  28. Al-Mutawalli, Nawala, Sallaberger, Walther and Shalkham, Ali Ubeid, "The Cuneiform Documents from the Iraqi Excavation at Drehem", Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 151-217, 2017
  29. Owen, David I., "Transliterations, Translations, and Brief Comments", The Nesbit Tablets, University Park, USA: Penn State University Press, pp. 13-110, 2016