Morchella steppicola explained

Morchella steppicola, commonly known as the morel of the steppes or blistered morel, is a species of fungus in the family Morchellaceae (Ascomycota). Originally described from the steppic meadows of Ukraine in 1941,[1] this ancient relic of the last ice age corresponds to Mes-1, the earliest-diverging phylogenetic lineage in section Esculenta.

Other than its unique –for the genus– ecological adaptation, this species boasts some remarkable features, such as the densely "blistered" or "merulioid" ridges of its cap, a chambered stem, and strongly striate spores.[2]

Notes and References

  1. [Marija Ja. (Mariya Ya.) Zerova|Зерова М.Я.]
  2. Suhomilin MM, Kutkova OB, Panina ZO . 2007 . Morchella steppicola Zer.: морфологiчнi особливостi, ультраструктура та поширення в пiвденно-схiднiй Украïнi . Morchella steppicola Zer.: morphological peculiarities, ultrastructure and distribution in southeastern Ukraine . Ukrainian . Ukrainian Botanical Journal . 64 . 6 . 867–874.