Kamo Aquarium Explained

Zoo Name:Kamo Aquarium
Date Opened:1930 (first)
1956 (second)
1972 (third)
1 June 2014 (current)
Location:Okuba 657-1, Imaizumi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata, Japan
Num Species:140[1]
Annual Visitors:92,183 (1997)[2]
716,354 (2014)
497,738 (2018)[3]
Exhibits:the Worlds' largest[4] 60 jellyfish species

is an aquarium located in Tsuruoka, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. In 2005, it exceeded Monterey Bay Aquarium in California regarding the number of jellyfish display types and holds the Guinness World Records for this exhibition.[6]


The facility was on the edge of bankruptcy again in the late 90's.[7] [8] [9] Until then, jellyfish exhibits at aquariums were extraordinary, and there was no breeding methods.[10] In addition, the Kamo does not have enough money.[11] In such a situation, the director Tatsuo Murakami groped to establish methods for breeding jellies,[12] [13] it became the best jellyfish museum in the worlds. The popularity of the Vivarium exploded when Osamu Shimomura received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2008, thanks to the studies he led on Aequorea victoria, a jelly that contains a green fluorescent protein, with two American scientists: Martin Chalfie of Columbia University and Roger Tsien of the University of California-San Diego.[14] [15] He led his studies in Kamo, since at the time, it was the one of few marine museums displaying it.[16] Researchers from the world, including the Paris Aquarium Cineaqua in France, come to learn about this breeding and raising.[17] [18]

With the light emission of the Aequorea victoria exhibited at the Kamo AquariumOsamu Shimomura won the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It was also reported that the Green Fluorescent Protein that was the reason for the award was derived from Aequorea victoria. This attracted attention to the museum, which breeds Aequorea victoria, and the number of visitors to the museum increased to 1.5 to 2 times the normal number. [9] The adult jellyfish bred in the museum emit light when they are collected from the natural world, but they do not emit light when the generations are changed by artificial propagation. Upon hearing this, Shimomura called the museum directly on October 24, 2008, and advised that "if you mix coelenterazine with food, it will shine in two weeks." Then, with the introduction of Shimomura, he took over coelenterazine from Katsunori Teranishi, a professor at the Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, and worked on a luminescence experiment.[19]

Northern elephant seal

A three-year-old 2.5-meter 273-kilogram female northern elephant seal[20] was found on Sanze beach (38.7076°N 139.6633°W), Tsuruoka on 16 October 2017.[21] [22] She was weakened and injured[23] but recovered after receiving antibiotics at this Aquarium, growing to over 400-kilogram in March 2018.[24] She was named Naomi after a tennis player, Naomi Osaka by a public vote[25] [26] and has been exhibited in a pool at Kamo.[27]



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Restaurant jellyfish menu


Notes and References

  1. 長南里香(2014年6月2日). “クラゲ:乱舞 山形・鶴岡”. 毎日新聞 (毎日新聞社)
  2. http://eprints.lib.hokudai.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2115/52039/1/thesis_sugawayasuko.pdf
  3. Web site: 加茂水族館、300万人突破 節目の来館者に記念品|山形新聞 . 2020-04-20 . 2019-05-08 . https://web.archive.org/web/20190508010815/http://www.yamagata-np.jp/news/201905/05/kj_2019050500075.php . dead .
  4. Web site: クラゲ展示数でギネス認定 山形の水族館(写真=共同) . 7 April 2012 .
  5. Web site: 加盟園館検索 | 動物園と水族館 .
  6. Web site: April 8, 2012 . クラゲ展示でギネス記録 山形・加茂水族館 . Nippon Television Network Corporation.
  7. Web site: 村上 . 龍男 . 29 September 2014 . クラゲ展示数で世界一 V字回復した加茂水族館の経営哲学 . Project Design Online.
  8. Web site: 22 July 2014 . 落ちこぼれ水族館が「クラゲで世界一」に変わるまで 加茂水族館の名物館長が振り返る「波乱万丈半生記」 . Diamond Online.
  9. Web site: Isao . Endo . November 6, 2012 . 遠藤功の現場千本ノック - 現場力を追い求めて -»第49話 鶴岡市立加茂水族館(再訪) .
  10. Web site: 26 July 2013 . クラゲの展示なら世界一!ボロボロ水族館をギネス入りさせた人気者 . J-CAST.
  11. Web site: November 27, 2016 . 日本計量新報・社説 2016年11月27日3128号 . 日本計量新報社.
  12. Web site: 28 March 2015 . クラゲが救った"三重苦"水族館、奇跡の物語 | すごい現場はこう作る! . Toyo Keizai.
  13. Web site: 6 June 2012 . Jellyfish help Yamagata aquarium avoid bankruptcy . Japan Times.
  14. Web site: The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008 . The Official Web Site of the Nobel Foundation . 2008-11-04.
  15. Web site: ノーベル賞の下村です 鶴岡・加茂水族館に電話. Kahoku Shimpo. 2008-10-26. October 26, 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20081026192530/http://www.kahoku.co.jp/news/2008/10/20081026t55029.htm. October 26, 2008.
  16. Book: 世界も驚くニッポン旅行100: テーマでめぐる!47都道府県ローカル旅. 9784569811475. 吉田友和. 松岡絵里. 4 July 2013. PHP研究所 .
  17. Web site: April 2020 . The Jellyfish that Saved an Aquarium | April 2020 | Highlighting Japan . Public Relations Office, Government of Japan.
  18. https://www.aquamarine.or.jp/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Abstracts/67-Abstract-IAC2018.pdf
  19. Web site: ノーベル賞の下村です 鶴岡・加茂水族館に電話 . . 2008-10-26. 2008-10-26. https://web.archive.org/web/20081026192530/http://www.kahoku.co.jp/news/2008/10/20081026t55029.htm. 2008-10-26.
  20. Web site: 三瀬海岸でキタゾウアザラシ保護|2017年10月19日付け紙面より|荘内日報ニュース−山形・庄内|荘内日報社 .
  21. Web site: 山形)保護したキタゾウアザラシを公開 加茂水族館:朝日新聞デジタル . 17 March 2018 .
  22. Web site: 鶴岡市立加茂水族館 » キタゾウアザラシの今後について . 2020-04-20 . 2020-11-28 . https://web.archive.org/web/20201128045210/https://kamo-kurage.jp/oshirase/post-kurage7645/ . dead .
  23. https://www.facebook.com/JFAQUARIUM/videos/1553581738051816/
  24. Web site: 鶴岡で漂着のキタゾウアザラシ、一般公開始まる . 18 March 2018 .
  25. Web site: 山形)私は「なおみ」 保護のキタゾウアザラシに命名:朝日新聞デジタル . October 2018 .
  26. Web site: 【記者特集】目指せ!アザラシ界のグランドスラム | Nhk山形ポータル|Nhkブログ . 2020-04-21 . 2021-03-13 . https://web.archive.org/web/20210313151138/https://www.nhk.or.jp/yamagata-blog2/300/311100.html . dead .
  27. live. https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/youtube/20211208/AX7ydVyFTD0. 2021-12-08. 加茂水族館 コレクション キタゾウアザラシ なおみちゃん#4 . YouTube.
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  30. Web site: 美ら海水族館、猛毒の珍種「ハブクラゲ」をプレゼント。 山形県鶴岡市立加茂水族館へ .
  31. https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/ou/norinsuisan/147010/images/publicfolder200602169818633033/uotching/63.pdf
  32. Web site: クラゲのような巻き貝 珍しい軟体動物ヒメゾウクラゲを展示 /山形・鶴岡市立加茂水族館 - アニマルニュース .
  33. Web site: 加茂水族館の協力により"えのすい"初展示 「リクノリーザ・ルサーナ」展示開始 | 新しい生き物たち | 新江ノ島水族館 .
  34. http://xiang-xiang.tokyo/xiang/2019/01/24/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E4%B8%80%E3%81%AE%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B2%E6%B0%B4%E6%97%8F%E9%A4%A8%EF%BC%81%EF%BC%81%E5%B1%B1%E5%BD%A2%E7%9C%8C%E9%B6%B4%E5%B2%A1%E5%B8%82%E3%81%AE%E5%8A%A0%E8%8C%82%E6%B0%B4/
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  51. Web site: 鶴岡市立加茂水族館 » ショップ・レストラン.
  52. Web site: クラゲだらけ!加茂水族館でたくさんクラゲを食べてきた!.