Indra III explained

Indra III
Succession:Rashtrakuta Emperor
Coronation:24th February 915
Kurundaka, Rashtrakuta Empire
Predecessor:Krishna II
Successor:Amoghavarsha II
Birth Date:Unknown
Birth Place:Manyakheta, Rashtrakuta Empire (modern day Karnataka, India)
Death Place:Manyakheta, Rashtrakuta Empire (modern day Karnataka, India)
Issue:Amoghavarsha II
Govinda IV

Indra III (reigned 914–929 CE) was the grandson of Rashtrakuta Emperor Krishna II and son of Chedi princess Lakshmi. He ascended the imperial throne after the early demise of his father Jagattunga.[1] He had many titles such as Nithyavarsha, Rattakandarapa, Rajamarathanda and Kirthinarayana. He patronised Kannada poet and commander Sri-Vijaya and Sanskrit poet Trivikrama. Indra III was married to princess Vijamba of the Kalachuri dynasty of central India (Chedi).

Capture of Kannauj

Immediately after coming to power, Indra III had to fight a Paramara ruler, a feudatory of the Gurjara-Pratihara and routed him out of Govardhana near Nasik. Thereafter the Paramaras became feudatories of the Rashtrakutas.[2] The Gurjara Pratihara ruler Mahendrapala I was experiencing some family feuds and this gave Indra III an opportunity to attack Kannauj in the Ganges - Yamuna doab.[3] Kannauj at this time was under the control of the Pratihara empire. From the writings of Kannada poet Adikavi Pampa it is known that Indra III sent his feudatory, Chalukya king Narasimha II of Vemulavada, in pursuit of Mahipala I the incumbent Pratihara emperor who fled the area.[4] [5] Kannauj was "completely destroyed", and the Pratihara ruler weakened.[6] The northern campaign of Indra III produced more dramatic results then during the rule of Dhruva Dharavarsha and Govinda III as the Rashtrakutas were actually able to hold Kannauj until c.916.[7]

Trouble in Vengi

A civil war like situation prevailed in Vengi after the defeat of Eastern Chalukya Bhima at the hands of Baddega, a Rashtrakuta feudatory from Vemulavada. A period of intense politics continued when the Rashtrakutas tried to install the king of their choice in Vengi. Indra III's Jain general Sri Vijaya (who was also a poet) won may wars for his emperor in the eastern Deccan and the bulk of Vengi was brought under the rule of Indra III for a few years.[8]


  1. From the Sangli, Karhad, Deoli and Bagumra inscriptions (Kamath (2001), p80)
  2. Kamath (2001), p80
  3. From the Cambay plates (Kamath 2001, p80)
  4. From the notes of Adikavi Pampa; "Mahipala fled as if struck by lightning" and "Chalukya Narasimha bathed his horses in the Ganges river" (Kamath, 2001, p81)
  5. From the copper plate grant of his son Govinda IV (Reu1933, p78)
  6. Sen, S.N., (2013), p21, A Textbook of Medieval Indian History, Delhi: Primus Books,
  7. A.S. Altekar in Kamath 2001, p80
  8. Kamath (2001), p81


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