Ibn al-Tiqtaqa explained

Ibn al-Tiqtaqa
Birth Date:1262 CE
Birth Place:Baghdad, Iraq
Death Date:1309 CE
Occupation:Historian, Naqib of Alids
Notable Works:Al-Fakhri
Era:Medieval Islamic period
Main Interests:Islamic history, Political philosophy

Ṣafī al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn al-Ṭabāṭabā (; 1262– 1309) also known as Ibn al-Tiqtaqa, was a historian and naqib of Alids in Ḥilla.

He was a direct descendant of Ḥasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib. According to E.G. Browne's English version Of Mīrzā Muhammad b. ‛Abudi’l-Wahhāb-i—Qazwīni's edition of ‛Alā-ad-Dīn ‛Ata Malik-i-Juwaynī's Ta’rīhh-i-Jahān Gushā (London1912, Luzac), p.ix, Ibn al-Tiqtaqā's name was Safiyu’d-Din Muhammad ibn ‛Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Tabātabā.

Around 1302 AD he wrote a popular compendium of Islamic history called al-Fakhri.[1] [2]

According to the political scientist Vasileios Syros, the philosophy of ibn al-Ṭabāṭabā can be compared to that of Niccolò Machiavelli.[3]


Notes and References

  1. Geert Jan van Gelder. The Classical Arabic Cannon of Polite (and Impolite) Literature. Cultural Repertoires: Structure, Function, and Dynamics. Peeters Publishing, 2003, pp. 45 - 58.
  2. al-Ṭiqṭaqā, Al-Fakhrî, Histoire des dynasties Musulmanes depuis la mort de Mahomet jusqu’a la chute du khalifat 'Abâsîde de Bagdâdz (11-656 de l'hégire = 632-1258 de J.-C.) avec des prolégomènes sur les principes du gouvernement, traduit par Émile Amar, Paris, Leroux, 1910. [En ligne] https://archive.org/details/alfakhrhistoir00muamuoft.
  3. Book: Syros, Vasileios . Violence in Islamic Thought from the Mongols to European Imperialism . Edinburgh University Press . 2018 . 165–80.