List of vertebrate fauna of the Maastrichtian stage explained

This is an incomplete list that briefly describes vertebrates that were extant during the Maastrichtian, a stage of the Late Cretaceous Period which extended from 72.1 to 66 million years before present. This was the last time period in which non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs existed.


†Amphibians of the Maastrichtian
  • Albanerpeton galaktion
  • Albanerpeton gracilis
  • Albanerpeton nexuosus
105.3–65.043 Ma, Albian to MaastrichtianCanadaUSAA salamander-like albanerpetontid that thrived in North America and Europe from the Early Cretaceous to the late Pliocene.
  • Beelzebufo ampinga
70 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA horned frog. The largest frog to ever live, known to have grown to over 40cm (20inches) and 4kg (09lb).
  • Habrosaurus dilatus
Maastrichtian to DanianLance Formation, Wyoming, USAHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAA large sirenid, about the size of a hellbender. The palate is specialized for crushing, suggesting it may have fed on hard-bodied prey.
  • Paranecturus garbanii
Hell Creek Formation, Montana USAA proteid closely related to the modern mudpuppies.
  • Piceoerpeton naylori
Maastrichtian to ThanetianWyoming & Montana, USAA scapherpetontid salamander, one of the largest-known salamanders.
  • Scotiophryne pustulosa
125–60.5 Ma, Aptian to SelandianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAMexico A little-known frog.




Ankylosaurs of the Maastrichtian
  • Ankylosaurus magniventris
68.5–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAAn ankylosaurine ankylosaurid. The largest-known ankylosaur, estimated at 9m (30feet) and up to 6 tonnes (13,000 lb).
  • Anodontosaurus lambei
72.8–67 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA medium-sized ankylosaurine ankylosaurid with a wide, pointed tail club.
  • Antarctopelta oliveroi
74–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianSanta Marta Formation, James Ross Island, AntarcticaA medium-sized parankylosaur, reaching no more than 4m (13feet) in length, with characteristics of both polacanthids and nodosaurs.
  • Brachypodosaurus gravis
66 MaLameta Formation, IndiaAn ankylosaur, originally described as a stegosaur.
  • Denversaurus schlessmani
68–66 MaLance Formation, South Dakota, USAAn ankylosaur, originally described as a species of Edmontonia
  • Edmontonia longiceps
  • Edmontonia schlessmani
76.5–69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaLance Formation, Wyoming, USA A nodosaur estimated to be roughly 6.6m (21.7feet) long.
  • Glyptodontopelta mimus
69–66 MaOjo Alamo Formation, New Mexico, USAA nodosaur once thought to be a species of Edmontonia.
  • Patagopelta cristata
73-69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianAllen Formation, ArgentinaA small nodosaur, the first euankylosaur from South America
  • Shanxia tianzhenensis
99-71 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianHuiquanpu Formation, Shanxi, ChinaAn ankylosaurine ankylosaurid which a few scientists consider a possible synonym of Tianzhenosaurus.
  • Stegouros elengassen
74–71 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianDorotea Formation, ChileA small-sized Parankylosaur.
  • Struthiosaurus austriacus
  • Struthiosaurus languedocensis
  • Struthiosaurus transylvanicus
85–66 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaA struthiosaurine nodosaur, one of the smallest-known and most basal nodosaurs from the Late Cretaceous.
  • Tarchia kailanae
84.9–70.6 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Ömnögovi Province, MongoliaAn ankylosaurine ankylosaurid, and one of the geologically youngest-known Asian ankylosaurs. It has an estimated body length of 8mto8.5mm (26feetto27.9feetm) and weighing as much as 4.5 tonnes (5.0 short tons).
  • Tianzhenosaurus youngi
99–70.6 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianHuiquanpu Formation, Shanxi, ChinaAn ankylosaurine ankylosaurid. Suggested by some to be a junior synonym of Saichania.


Thescelosaurids of the Maastrichtian
  1. Parksosaurus warreni
70 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA parksosaur that is one of the few basal neornithischians from the end of the Cretaceous.
  1. Thescelosaurus garbanii
  2. Thescelosaurus neglectus
  3. Thescelosaurus assiniboiensis
68–66 MaHell Creek Formation, South Dakota, USAScollard Formation, Alberta, CanadaA parksosaur known from several partial skeletons.


Ornithopods and †Hypsilophodonts of the Maastrichtian
  1. Adynomosaurus arcanus
72-70 MaTremp Formation, SpainA lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Amurosaurus riabinini
70-66 MaUdurchukan Formation, China, RussiaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Arenysaurus ardevoli
66 MaSpainA lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Augustynolophus morrisi
70–66 MaMoreno Formation, California, USAA saurolophine hadrosaur originally thought to be a species of Saurolophus.
  1. Barsboldia sicinskii
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA hadrosaur originally described as a lambeosaurine, now believed to instead be a saurolophine.
  1. Blasisaurus canudoi
66 MaAren Formation, SpainA medium-sized lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Canardia garonnensis
67.5–66 MaMarnes d'Auzas Formation, Haute-Garonne, FranceA recently found lambeosaurine hadrosaur.
  1. Charonosaurus jiayinensis
66 MaYuliangze Formation, Heilongjiang, ChinaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur appearing similar in skull shape to Parasaurolophus. It was a very large lambeosaurine, with an estimated length of around 10m (30feet) long.
  1. Edmontosaurus regalis
  2. Edmontosaurus annectens
73–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALaramie Formation, Colorado, USA A well-known genus of saurolophine hadrosaur. E. annectens has been previously named Anatosaurus and Anatotitan. This was one of the largest hadrosaurids, measuring up to 12m (39feet) long and weighing around 4.0 metric tons (4.4 short tons).
  1. Gilmoreosaurus mongoliensis
70 MaIren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, ChinaA hadrosauroid originally assigned as a species of Mandschurosaurus.
  1. Gryposaurus notabilis
  2. Gryposaurus latidens
  3. Gryposaurus monumentensis
  4. Gryposaurus alsatei?
83–74 MaDinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, Canada Two Medicine Formation, Montana, USA Kaiparowits Formation, Utah, USA
  1. Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens
70 MaXingzhuang Formation, Shandong, ChinaA large saurolophine hadrosaur, some of its estimated dimensions include a length of 18.7m (61.4feet) and a height of 11.3m (37.1feet) (in a tripodal posture) makes it one of the largest ornithopods known.
  1. Hypacrosaurus altispinus
75–67 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur that has a tall, hollow rounded crest similar to Corythosaurus. The animal is estimated to have been around 9.1m (29.9feet) long, and to have weighed up to 4.0 tonnes (4.4 tons).
  1. Kamuysaurus japonicus
72.4-70.6 MaHakobucho Formation, Mukawa, Hokkaido, JapanAn Edmontosaurini Saurolophine
  1. Kerberosaurus manakini
66 MaUdurchukan Formation, Amur Oblast, RussiaA saurolophine hadrosaur.
  1. Kerberosaurus manakini
67.5–66 MaTremp Formation, Province of Lleida, Catalonia, SpainA lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Kritosaurus navajovius
74–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianKirtland Formation, New Mexico, USAA saurolophine hadrosaur
  1. Kundurosaurus nagornyi
67–66 MaUdurchukan Formation, Amur Oblast, RussiaA saurolophine hadrosaur
  1. Lapampasaurus cholinoi
76–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianAllen Formation, La Pampa Province, ArgentinaA hadrosaur named in honor the late collector Jose Cholino. It is one of the few hadrosaurs to live in Gondwana.
  1. Mandschurosaurus amurensis
  2. Mandschurosaurus laosensis
66 MaYuliangze Formation, Heilongjiang, ChinaA poorly-known hadrosaur.
  1. Microhadrosaurus nanshiungensis
Nanxiong Formation, Guangdong, ChinaA hadrosaur based on juvenile remains.
  1. Morrosaurus antarcticus
70–66 MaSnow Hill Island Formation, James Ross Island, AntarcticaAn elasmarian iguanodont that was a medium-sized animal. The descriptors were able to establish some distinctive features. Two of these are autapomorphies, i.e. derived features that are unique. In bottom view, the greater trochanter of the femur has an undulating profile with a thick edge output and a main thin edge. The fourth metatarsal bone has a triangular profile with a rearward projection that wraps around her and the third metatarsal. In addition, there is a unique combination of two features that by themselves are not unique features. In the femur, the lesser trochanter is inclined diagonally, right next to the greater trochanter. In the tibia, medial malleolus has a triangular outline view showing a front concave surface.
  1. Nanningosaurus dashiensis
72.1–66 Ma, MaastrichtianGuangxi, ChinaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur known from an incomplete skeleton including skull, arm, and hip remains. The first hadrosaur discovered in southern China.
  1. Olorotitan arhanensis
72–66 Madurchukan Formation, Amur Oblast, RussiaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur.
  1. Orthomerus dolloi
66 MaMaastricht Formation, Limburg, NetherlandsBelgiumAn obscure genus of hadrosaur. In the past it was conflated with the much better known Telmatosaurus.
  1. Pararhabdodon isonensis
67.5–66 MaTremp Formation, Province of Lleida, Catalonia, SpainA lamebosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Pareisactus evrostos
67.5–66 MaSpainA rhabdodontid known from a scapula.
  1. Rhabdodon priscus
  2. Rhabdodon septimanicus
70–66 MaRomaniaSpain A rhabdodontid common in Cretaceous Europe.
  1. Riabininohadros weberae
72–66 MaUkraineA genus of styracosternan ankylopollexian that was unearthed in Ukraine.
  1. Sahaliyania elunchunorum
68–66 MaYuliangze Formation, Heilongjiang, ChinaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur known only from a few remains.
  1. Saurolophus angustirostris
  2. Saurolophus osborni
70–66 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA saurolophine hadrosaur distinguished by a spike-like cranial crest.
  1. Secernosaurus koerneri
ArgentinaA saurolophine hadrosaur once considered to be a species of Kritosaurus. It is one of the few Gondwanan hadrosaurs.
  1. Sektensaurus sanjuanboscoi
80–66 MaLago Colhué Huapí Formation, Patagonia, ArgentinaA possible elasmarian ornithopod from Patagonia. The first non-hadrosaurid ornithopod of central Patagonia.
  1. Shantungosaurus giganteus
70 MaWangshi Group, Shandong, ChinaA saurolophine hadrosaur, the largest-known Hadrosaur, and one of the largest-known ornithischians, estimated to be over 14.72m (48.29feet) in length and weighing as much as 16 tonnes (18 short tons).
  1. Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus
70–66 MaSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaA relatively small hadrosaur, approximately 5m (16feet) long.
  1. Tethyshadros insularis
70 MaLiburnia Formation, Province of Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ItalyA relatively small species of hadrosauroid. It had a length of about 4m (13feet) and a weight of 350kg (770lb).
  1. Thespesius occidentalis
66 MaLance Formation, South Dakota, USAA dubious saurolophine hadrosaur notable for its taxonomic history
  1. Trinisaura santamartaensis
80–66 MaSnow Hill Island Formation, James Ross Island, AntarcticaAn elasmarian iguanodont.
  1. Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus
70 MaJingangkou Formation, Shandong, ChinaA lambeosaurine hadrosaur
  1. Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis
69.2 MaColville River, Alaska, USAA saurolophine hadrosaur, originally thought to be the bones of juvenile Edmontosaurus regalis.
  1. Velafrons coahuilensis
72 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianCerro del Pueblo Formation, Coahuila, MexicoA lambeosaurine hadrosaur known from a mostly complete skull and partial skeleton of a juvenile individual
  1. Willinakaqe salitralensis
Campanian to MaastrichtianAllen Formation, La Pamapa Province, ArgentinaA saurolophine hadrosaur that had long spines on its pelvis and tail base. One of the few Gondwanan hadrosaurs.
  1. Wulagasaurus dongi
69-66 MaYuliangze Formation, Heilongjiang, ChinaA basal saurolophine hadrosaur
  1. Zalmoxes robustus
  2. Zalmoxes shqiperorum
70-66 MaSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaAlbaniaA small but stoutly built rhabdodontid.


†Ceratopsians of the Maastrichtian
  1. Agathaumas sylvestris
66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA chasmosaurine ceratopsid, and the first Ceratopsian known to science. Often considered a nomen dubium, provisionally considered a synonym of Triceratops.
  1. Anchiceratops ornatus
72–71 MaSt. Mary River Formation, Alberta, CanadaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA chasmosaurine ceratopsid with a distinctive frill lined with large epioccipitals.
  1. Arrhinoceratops brachyops
70.6–70 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA chasmosaurine ceratopsid
  1. Bravoceratops polyphemus
70 MaJavelina Formation, Texas, USAA rare chasmosaurine ceratopsid that may be the sister taxon of Coahuilaceratops
  1. Coahuilaceratops magnacuerna
72.5–71.4 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianCerro del Pueblo Formation, Coahuila, MexicoA chasmosaurine ceratopsid thought to possess among the largest horns of any dinosaur currently known, rivaling those of larger chasmosaurines like Triceratops and Torosaurus.
  1. Eotriceratops xerinsularis
68–67.6 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaOne of the largest chasmosaurines and ceratopsians, weighing in at 10 tonnes and measuring 8.5 to 9 meters long
  1. Gobiceratops minutus
83–69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA bagaceratopsid known from the skull of a young individual.
  1. Lamaceratops tereschenkoi
84.9–70.6 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaIt is debated whether this is a bagaceratopsid or a protoceratopsid.
  1. Leptoceratops gracilis
68.8–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALance Formation, Alberta, Canada
  • Scollard Formation, Alberta, Canada
A leptoceratopsid
  1. Micropachycephalosaurus hongtuyanensis
69.5 MaWangshi Group, Shandong, ChinaA basal ceratopsian, originally thought to be a pachycephalosaur, with the longest generic name of any dinosaur.
  1. Montanoceratops cerorhynchos
70 MaSt. Mary River Formation, Montana, USAA leptoceratopsid distinguished by the presence of claws instead of hooves and having teeth in its upper jaw instead of a toothless beak.
  1. Nedoceratops hatcheri
67–66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA chasmosaurine ceratopsid that may be a specimen of Triceratops.
  1. Ojoceratops fowleri
68 MaOjo Alamo Formation, New Mexico, USAA chasmosaurine ceratopsid, possibly synonymous with Triceratops or Eotriceratops.
  1. Pachyrhinosaurus canadensis
  2. Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai
  3. Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum
73.5–68.5 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianSt. Mary Formation, Montana, USAHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada A common centrosaurine ceratopsid with large, thick bosses on the skull. The largest Pachyrhinosaurus species were 8m (26feet) long. This species is also regarded as the last of the North American centrosaurines before the K/T event.
  1. Platyceratops tatarinovi
75–71 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA bagaceratopsid, sometimes considered synonymous with Bagaceratops.
  1. Polyonax mortuarinus
66 MaDenver Formation, Colorado, USAA dubious chasmosaurine ceratopsid. It has sometimes been listed as a synonym of Agathaumas or Triceratops.
  1. Protoceratops andrewsi
  2. Protoceratops hellenikorhinus
83.5–70.6 MaDjadochta Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaBayan Mandahu Formation, Inner Mongolia, ChinaA common protoceratopsid.
  1. Regaliceratops peterhewsi
68.5–67.5 MaSt. Mary River Formation, Alberta, CanadaA chasmosaurine ceratopsid named for its plated frill, which its describers thought looked somewhat like a crown.
  1. Sierraceratops turneri
72-70 MaHall Lake Formation, New Mexico, USAA chasmosaurine ceratopsid related to Bravoceratops and Coahuilaceratops.
  1. Sinoceratops zhuchengensis
72–70 MaXingezhuang Formation, Shandong, ChinaA centrosaurine ceratopsid, currently the only known Asian Ceratopsid.
  1. Tatankaceratops sacrisonorum
66 MaHell Creek Formation, South Dakota, USAA chasmosaurine ceratopsid, probably a juvenile specimen of Triceratops.
  • Torosaurus
  1. Torosaurus latus
  2. Torosaurus utahensis
68–66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAHell Creek Formation, Montana, USA A chasmosaurine ceratopsid with one of the largest skulls of any known land animal. Some researchers consider it an ontogenic stage of Triceratops.
  1. Triceratops horridus
  2. Triceratops prorsus
68–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALance Formation, Wyoming, USAPossibly the most iconic ceratopsian, Triceratops May have grown up to 6.5 to 12 tonnes and measured 7.5 to 9 meters long.
  1. Zhuchengceratops inexpectus
70 MaWangshi Group, Shandong, ChinaA leptoceratopsid slightly larger than most adult specimens of the similar Leptoceratops. It is known from a partial articulated skeleton including vertebrae, ribs, teeth, and parts of the skull and mandibles.


†Pachycephalosaurs of the Maastrichtian
  1. Alaskacephale gangloffi
80–69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianPrince Creek Formation, Alaska, USA
  • Dracorex
  1. Dracorex hogwartsia
66 MaHell Creek Formation, South Dakota, USANamed as a tribute to both dragons and the Harry Potter book series. Some paleontologists consider it a synonym of Stygimoloch or Pachycephalosaurus.
  1. Goyocephale lattimorei
76 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaFormally described from an incomplete skull, mandibles, and fragmentary postcranial material.
  1. Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis
70–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALance Formation, Montana, USAThe largest-known pachycephalosaur. It has been estimated that Pachycephalosaurus was around 4.5m (14.8feet) long and weighed 450kg (990lb).
  1. Platytholus clemensi
68-66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USA
  1. Prenocephale prenes
80-75 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, Mongolia
  1. Sphaerotholus bucholtzae
  2. Sphaerotholus edmontonensis
73–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaThis species had a widespread distribution and a characteristically dome-shaped skull.
  1. Tylocephale gilmorei
80–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaThis species is estimated to have been about 1.4m (04.6feet) in length, with the tallest dome of any known pachycephalosaur.


Sauropods of the Maastrichtian
72-66 MaAngostura Colorada Formation
Bajo Barreal Formation; Los Alamitos Formation; Allen Formation all in Argentina; Adamantina Formation; Marília Formation, both in Brazil
A 14m (46feet) aeolosaurid titanosaur
  • Alamosaurus sanjuanensis
70–66 MaOjo Alamo Formation, New Mexico, USANorth Horn Formation, Utah, USA An opisthocoelicaudiine saltasaurid that was one of the largest dinosaur known from North America.
  • Ampelosaurus atacis
70–66 MaMarnes Rouges Inferieures Formation, FranceLike most sauropods, this nemegtosaurid would have had a long neck and tail, but it also carried armor in the form of osteoderms 25cm-28cmcm (10inches-11inchescm) long. The four osteoderms found have three different morphologies, they are plate, bulb, and spine-shaped. This dinosaur would have stretched up to about 15m (49feet) from snout to tail.
  • Argyrosaurus superbus
70 MaLago Colhué Huapi Formation, Argentina
  • Arkharavia heterocoelica
66 MaUdurchukan Formation, RussiaA somphospondylan known from a few remains that were probably actually of a hadrosaur.
  • Bonatitan reigi
75-70 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianArgentinaA saltasaurid known from a partial skeleton, including a braincase and caudal vertebrae. It may be a saltasaurine.
  • Campylodoniscus ameghinoi
95 or 70 Ma, Cenomanian or MaastrichtianArgentinaA little-known titanosaur known from a single jawbone, the maxilla, holding seven teeth.
  • Dreadnoughtus schrani
75 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianCerro Fortaleza Formation, Santa Cruz Province, ArgentinaA giant titanosaur that is one of the largest of all known terrestrial vertebrates, possessing the greatest mass of any land animal that can be calculated with reasonable certainty, using limb bone measurements. It is known to be 26m (85feet) long in total body length and a 2-story-tall (6m (20feet)) shoulder height.
  • Gannansaurus sinensis
66.7–66 Ma Nanxiong Formation, Ganzhou Basin, Jiangxi Province, southern ChinaLikely more closely related to the basal somphospondylan, Euhelopus, than to titanosaurs, it might have been one of the latest surviving not-titanosaur sauropods.
  • Gondwanatitan faustoi
70 MaAdamantina Formation and Cambabe Formation, BrazilAn aeolosaurid titanosaur that had elongated centra in the vertebrae from the middle part of its tail. It had vertebral lateral fossae that resembled shallow depressions, similar to Saltasaurus, Alamosaurus, Malawisaurus and Aeolosaurus.
  • Huabeisaurus allocotus
95-72 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianHuiquanpu Formation, Shanxi, ChinaA titanosaur that was mid-sized by sauropod standards, closely related to Tangvayosaurus.
  • Hypselosaurus priscus
70 MaGrès à Reptiles Formation, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, FranceA titanosaurid with proportionally robust legs. The eggs are also unusually large; measuring at around in length.
  • Isisaurus colberti
70 MaLameta Formation, Maharashtra, IndiaAn antarctosaurid that had a "bizarre" appearance with a short, vertically directed neck and long forelimbs, making it considerably different from other sauropods.
  • Jainosaurus septentrionalis
68 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaA large titanosaur that would have measured around eighteen meters long and held its head six meters high. No accurate estimate of the weight has yet been made. The humerus of the type specimen is 134 centimeters long.
  • Loricosaurus scutatus
71 MaAllen Formation, Neuquén Province, ArgentinaA saltasaurine saltasaurid that, due to the presence of armor, was first thought to be an ankylosaur.
  • Magyarosaurus dacus
71–66 MaSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaA nemegtosaurid that is one of the smallest-known species of sauropod, measuring only six meters in length.
  • Nemegtosaurus mongoliensis
  • Nemegtosaurus pachi
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA nemegtosaurid with a skull resembling that of a diplodocoid in being long and low, with pencil-shaped teeth.
  • Neuquensaurus australis
  • Neuquensaurus robustus
80 MaAnacleto Formation, Neuquén Province, ArgentinaUruguayA saltasaurine saltasaurid that is a relatively small sauropod, with a femur only 0.75m (02.46feet) long. It is one of the most completely known of Patagonian sauropods.
  • Opisthocoelocaudia skarzynskii
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn opisthocoelicaudiine saltasaurid that was a relatively small sauropod, measuring over 11m (36feet) from the head to the tip of the tail. It is one of the best-known sauropods from the Late Cretaceous.
  • Paludititan nalatzensis
70-66 MaHunedoara County, RomaniaA titanosaur known from a partial skeleton.
  • Quaesitosaurus orientalis
85–70 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA little-known nemegtosaurid. Its fossils consist solely of a partial skull. Long, low and horse-like with frontally located peg-like teeth, it is similar enough to the skulls of Diplodocus and its kin to have prompted informed speculation that the missing body was formed like those of diplodocids. It is possible that Nemegtosaurus, also known from only skull material, is a very close relative of Quaesitosaurus, if not indeed a variation of the same animal.
  • Rapetosaurus krausei
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA nemegtosaurid that was fairly modest in size, for a titanosaur, being less than half the length of Argentinosaurus and Paralititan.
  • Rocasaurus muniozi
75-70Allen Formation, Rio Negro Province, Argentina
  • Saltasaurus loricatus
85-70 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaUruguayA well-known saltasaurine saltasaurid. Relatively small among typically-sized sauropods, though still massive by the standards of modern terrestrial creatures, Saltasaurus is characterized by a diplodocid-like head (with blunt teeth, only in the front of the mouth). It was the first genus of sauropod known to possess armour of bony plates embedded in its skin. The small bony plates (osteoderms) have since been found on other titanosaurs. When the plates of a saltasaur were originally found, independently of skeletal remains, they were assumed to be from an ankylosaur, whose plates they resemble. A crest of scutes has also been discovered running down the back of diplodocid sauropods.
  • Titanosaurus indicus
  • Titanosaurus blandfordi
70 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA dubious titanosaurid estimated to have grown up to 9m–12mm (30feet–39feetm) long and about 13 tons in weight. Titanosaurus has traditionally been treated as a "wastebin taxon" for poorly preserved sauropod remains that demonstrate a distinctive vertebrae anatomy. The original Titanosaurus remains consist only of limb bones and a few vertebrae that have these characteristics. However, discoveries of more and better-preserved titanosaur species have shown that these once distinctive features are in fact widespread across many genera. Therefore, Titanosaurus itself is considered a nomen dubium by most paleontologists, since the original Titanosaurus specimens cannot be distinguished from those of related genera.
  • Uberabatitan ribeiroi
67 MaMarilia Formation, BrazilA little-known titanosaur known from specific bones including neck, back, and tail vertebrae, pelvic bones and limb bones.
  • Vahiny depereti
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA rare titanosaur coexisting with the more common Rapetosaurus. It is distinguished from other titanosaurs by characteristics of its braincase, including the basal tubera, basipterygoid processes, parasphenoid, and cranial nerve foramina. Differences in the braincases of Vahiny and Rapetosaurus indicate that they are not closely related to one another. Vahiny is most similar to Jainosaurus, and bears similarities to Muyelensaurus and Pitekunsaurus.

Theropods (non-maniraptoran)

†Non-avian theropods of the Maastrichtian
  • Albertosaurus
  1. Albertosaurus sarcophagus
71–68 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaAn albertosaurine tyrannosaurid
  1. Alioramus remotus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA tyrannosauroid
  1. Anserimimus planinychus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, Mongolia An ornithomimid with more powerful forelimbs than other orinithomimids.
  1. Archaeornithomimus asiaticus
70 MaIren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, ChinaAn ornithomimid, originally thought to have lived from the Cenomanian to the Turonian.
  1. Betasuchus bredai
66 MaMaastricht Formation, Limburg, NetherlandsOne of the few abelisaurs to be found in the Northern Hemisphere.
  1. Carnotaurus sastrei
72–66 MaLa Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, ArgentinaA highly derived carnotaurine abelisaurid
  • †"Coelosaurus" antiquus
70-66 MaNavesink Formation, New JerseyIn 1979, Baird and Horner discovered that the name "Coelosaurus" was preoccupied by another dubious taxon (based on a single vertebra), named Coelosaurus by an anonymous author now known to be Richard Owen in 1854.
  1. Coeluroides
66 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA small, little-known theropod.
  1. Compsosuchus solus
69 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA poorly-known theropod
  1. Chenanisaurus
68-66 MaOuled Abdoun Basin in Morocco, AfricaA species of predatory abelisaurid theropod.
  1. Deinocheirus mirificus
71–69 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA very large and distinctive ornithomimosaur
  1. Diplotomodon horrificus
70-66 MaNavesink Formation, New Jersey, USAA dubious tyrannosauroid, possibly a synonym of Dryptosaurus.
  1. Dryptosauroides grandis
66 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA dubious abelisaurid.
  1. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis
67 MaNew Jersey, USAA primitive tyrannosaur and among the first theropod dinosaurs known to science.
  • Gallimimus
  1. Gallimimus bullatus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn ornithomimid that was one of the largest ornithomimosaurs.
  1. Indosaurus matleyi
69 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA majungasaurine abelisaurid.
  1. Indosuchus raptorius
70–66 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaA carnotaurine abelisaurid, very similar to Indosaurus.
  • †"Joan Wiffen's Theropod"
Hawke's Bay Region, North Island, New ZealandA little-known theropod with no official scientific name as of yet.
  1. Jubbulpuria tenuis
70 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaA poorly-known theropod that may have been a ceratosaur.
  1. Laevisuchus indicus
70 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaOriginally thought to be a coelurid coelurosaur, now considered a noasaurid abelisaur.
  1. Lametasaurus indicus
70 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaA possibly dubious carnotaurine abelisaurid, originally considered a possible chimera.
  1. Maip Macrothorax
66 MaChorrillo Formation, Santa Cruz, ArgentinaThe largest megaraptorid.
  1. Majungasaurus crenatissimus
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA majungasaurine abelisaurid.
  1. Masiakasaurus knopfleri
70 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA noasaurid ceratosaur.
  1. Nanuqsaurus hoglundi
69.1 MaPrince Creek Formation, Alaska, USAA small tyrannosaurid
  1. Noasaurus leali
70 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaA noasaurid originally thought to be a dromaeosaur.
  1. Ornithomimoides barasimlensis
  2. Ornithomimoides mobilis
70–66 MaIndiaA dubious theropod that was probably a small variety of abelisaur.
  1. Ornithomimus edmontonicus
  2. Ornithomimus velox
75.5–66, Campanian to MaastrichtianDenver Formation, Colorado, USAHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada
  • Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USA
A well-known ornithomimid.
  1. Orthogoniosaurus matleyi
66 MaLameta Formation, Madhya Pradesh, IndiaA poorly-known theropod, possibly an abelisaur.
  1. Pycnonemosaurus nevesi
70 MaMato Grosso, BrazilA carnotaurine abelisaurid known so far from fragmentary remains.
  1. Qianzhousaurus sinensis
72–66 MaNanxiong Formation, Guangdong, ChinaA tyrannosaurid nicknamed "Pinocchio rex" for its long snout in comparison to other known tyrannosaurs. A close relative of Alioramus.
  1. Qiupalong henanensis
99.7–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianQiupa Formation, Henan, ChinaAn Ornithomimid
  1. Quilmesaurus curriei
Campanian to MaastrichtianAllen Formation, Neuquén Province, ArgentinaA carnotaurine abelisaurid.
  1. Rahiolisaurus gujaratensis
72.1–66 MaLameta Formation, Gujarat, IndiaA large-sized majungasaurine abelisaurid similar to the closely related Rajasaurus.
  1. Rajasaurus narmadensis
69 MaLameta Formation, Gujarat, IndiaA majungasaurine abelisaurid
  1. Raptorex kriegsteini
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA dubious tyrannosaurid known from only juvenile remains, possibly synonymous with Tarbosaurus.
  1. Richardoestesia isosceles
76.5–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianAguja Formation, Texas, USAA little-known coelurosaur known from a few jaws and teeth.
  1. Struthiomimus altus
  2. Struthiomimus sedens
75–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianLance Formation, Wyoming, USAHell Creek Formation, Montana, USA
  • Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, Canada
An ornithomimid
  1. Tarbosaurus bataar
70-66 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA tyrannosaurine tyrannosaurid, sometimes considered an Asian species of Tyrannosaurus.
  • Tyrannosaurus
  1. Tyrannosaurus rex
68–66 Ma Probably the most iconic dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus is a tyrannosaurine tyrannosaurid. The largest-known Tyrannosaruoid and among the last large non-avian dinosaurs. It is also one of the largest theropod dinosaurs to have ever lived, and one of the largest carnivores to have ever roamed North America
  • Vitakridrinda
  1. Vitakridrinda sulaimani
69 MaPab Formation, PakistanAn abelisaurid known from partial remains.
  • Vitakrisaurus
  1. Vitakrisaurus saraiki
70 MaVitaki Formation, PakistanA rare noasaurid.

Maniraptora (non-avian)

†Non-avian theropods of the Maastrichtian
  1. Acheroraptor temertyorum
66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAThe youngest-known velociraptorine dromaeosaur.
  1. Adasaurus mongoliensis
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA dromaeosaur unique in having relatively small sickle claws on its hind feet.
  1. Ajancingenia yanshini
70 MaBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn oviraptorid. Originally called Ingenia, a name already preoccupied by a nematode.
  1. Albertonykus borealis
68.5 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA parvicursorine and the earliest-known North American alvarezsaurid.
  1. Anzu wyliei
66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana & South Dakota, USAA caenagnathine caenagnathid, originally thought to be a species of Chirostenotes. Anzu measured about 3mto3.5mm (10feetto11.5feetm) long, up to 1.5m (04.9feet) tall at the hips and 200kgto300kgkg (400lbto700lbkg) in weight.
  1. Atrociraptor marshalli
68.5 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA dromaeosaur
  1. Austroraptor cabazai
70 MaAllen Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaAn unenlagiine and the largest dromaeosaur from the Southern Hemisphere.
  1. Avimimus portentosus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA caenagnathoid oviraptorosaur
  1. Banji long
66 MaNanxiong Formation, Jiangxi, ChinaAn oviraptorine oviraptorid
  1. Bonapartenykus ultimus
70 MaArgentinaA patagonykine alvarezsaurid
  1. Borogovia gracilicrus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA troodontid
  1. Bradycneme draculae
70 MaSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaAn alvarezsaurid, formerly believed to be a giant owl
  1. Ceratonykus oculatus
84–70 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA parvicursorine alvarezsaurid.
  1. Conchoraptor gracilis
70-66 MaRed Beds of Hermiin Tsav, Nemegt Formation, Mongolia A heyuannin oviraptorid.
  1. Corythoraptor jacobsi
66 MaNanxiong Formation, China
  1. Dakotaraptor steini
66 MaHell Creek Formation, South Dakota, USAA very large dromaeosaur; possibly a chimaeric genus.
  1. Dromaeosaurus albertensis
80-69.7 MaDinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, CanadaPrince Creek Formation, Alaska, USA
  1. Elmisaurus rarus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn elmisaurine caenagnathid, once thought to be a Mongolian species of Chirostenotes.
  1. Elopteryx nopcsai
70 MaSanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaA largely viewed as dubious maniraptoran, possibly a troodontid, originally believed to be a pelecaniform bird.
  1. Epichirostenotes curriei
72 MaHorseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA caenagnathine caenagnathid originally thought to be the same species as Chirostenotes.
  1. Erliansaurus bellamanus
85 MaIren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, ChinaA therizinosauroid that, for a therizinosaur, had a rather short neck.
  1. Euronychodon portucalensis
92-70 MaPortugalA troodontid with teeth similar to those of Paronychodon.
  1. Ganzhousaurus nankangensis
72-66 MaNanxiong Formation, Jiangxi, ChinaAn oviraptorine oviraptorid distinguished by a combination of primitive and derived features.
  1. Gobiraptor minutus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn oviraptorid.
  1. Heptasteornis andrewsi
67 MaSânpetru Formation, Hunedaora County, RomaniaAn alvarezsaurid originally presumed to be a giant prehistoric owl.
  1. Heyuannia huangi
70-66 MaDalangshan Formation, Guangdong, ChinaAn oviraptorine that was the first oviraptorid found in China.
  • Hulsanpes perlei
70 MaBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA halszkaraptorine dromaeosaur.
  1. Imperobator antarcticus
71 MaSnow Hill Island Formation, James Ross Island, AntarcticaA paravian, one of the first non-avian theropods described from Cretaceous Antarctica.
  1. Jiangxisaurus ganzhouensis
72–66 MaNanxiong Formation, Jiangxi, ChinaAn oviraptorid similar to Heyuannia
  1. Luanchuanraptor henanensis
99.7–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianQiupa Formation, Henan, ChinaA moderately sized dromaeosaur, and the first Asian dromaeosaurid described from outside the Gobi Desert or northeastern China.
  1. Leptorhynchos elegans
  2. Leptorhynchos gaddisi
75–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAAguja Formation, Texas, USAA elmisaurine caenagnathid that was once thought to be a species of Chirostenotes.
  1. Mononykus olecranus
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA parvicursorine alvarezsaurid
  1. Nankangia jiangxiensis
72–66 MaNanxiong Formation, Jiangxi, ChinaA caenagnathoid oviraptorosaur
  1. Nanshiungosaurus brevispinus
67 Ma Nanxiong Formation, Jiangxi, ChinaA therizinosaurid
  1. Neimongosaurus yangi
85 MaIren Dabasu Formation, Inner Mongolia, ChinaA therizinosauroid
  1. Nemegtomaia barsboldi
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn oviraptorine oviraptorid
  1. Nomingia gobiensis
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn oviraptorid characterized by a pygostyle-like mass of five fused vertebrae at the tail end, which probably supported a feather fan like Caudipteryx.
  1. Ojoraptorsaurus boerei
69-66 MaOjo Alamo Formation, New Mexico, USAA caenagnathid known from an incomplete pair of fused pubic bones.
  1. Paronychodon caperatus
75-66 MaHell Creek Formation, North Dakota, USALance Formation, Wyoming, USAA disputed coelurosaur, mainly believed to be a troodontid.
  1. Pectinodon bakkeri
66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA troodontid that has been historically considered synonymous with Troodon, now a valid genus.
  1. Pyroraptor olympius
70.6 MaFranceA dromaeosaur known only from a few bones: the distinctive foot claws, as well as fossilized teeth, arm and vertebrae.
  1. Rahonavis ostromi
70 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA small unenlagiine dromaeosaur with possible gliding abilities
  1. Rinchenia mongoliensis
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaAn oviraptorid originally classified as a species of Oviraptor
  1. Saurornitholestes langstoni
77–69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianCanadaUSAA saurornitholestine dromaeosaur that was more long-legged and lightly built than other dromaeosaurs.
  1. Shixinggia oblita
70 MaGuangdong, ChinaAn oviraptorid
  1. Tamarro insperatus
67.6-66 MaTalarn Formation, SpainA jinfengopterygine troodontid, the first known from Europe.
  1. Therizinosaurus cheloniformis
75-66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA therizinosaurid, one of the last and largest therizinosaurs.
  1. Tochisaurus nemegtensis
69 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA relatively large troodontid.
  1. Troodon formosus
77.5–71 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianJudith River Formation, Montana USA troodontid, from the late Cretaceous known from a few teeth.
  1. Variraptor mechinorum
70 MaGrès à Reptiles Formation, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FranceA dromaeosaur
  1. Velociraptor mongoliensis
75–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianDjadochta Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA velociraptorine dromaeosaur, one of the most familiar genera.
  1. Yulong mini
99.7–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianQiupa Formation, Henan, ChinaOne of the smallest-known oviraptorids.
  1. Zanabazar junior
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA troodontid, originally classified as a species of Saurornithoides.
Avialans (avian theropods)
Birds of the Maastrichtian
  • Alamitornis minutus
70 MaLos Alamitos Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaA basal euornithine, possibly a patagopterygiform.
  • Anatalavis rex
66–55 Ma, Maastrichtian to DanianHornerstown Formation, New Jersey, USAAn anseriform, possibly resembling the magpie goose.
  • Asiahesperornis bazhanovi
70 MaKazakhstanA hesperornithine that lived on the shores of the shallow Turgai Sea.
  • Avisaurus archibaldi
  • Avisaurus gloriae
70.6–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAA genus of avisaurid enantiornithine that is known from the humid low-lying swamps, lakes and river basins of the western shore of the Western Interior Seaway.
  1. Balaur bondoc
70 MaSebes Formation, Alba County RomaniaAn avialian from Romania
  • Brodavis americanus
  • Brodavis baileyi
  • Brodavis mongoliensis
80.5-66 MaFrenchman Formation, Alberta & Saskatchewan, CanadaHell Creek Formation, South Dakota, USA
  • Nemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, Mongolia
A freshwater, possibly flighted hesperornithine dating back to the Campanian.
  • Canadaga arctica
67 MaBylot Island, Nunavut, CanadaA genus of hesperornithine that, unlike its relatives which are mainly known from subtropical or tropical waters, seemed to have ranged in temperate or even subarctic areas.
  • Ceramornis major
66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA charadriiform that might be mistaken for an anseriform.
  • Cimolopteryx maxima
  • Cimolopteryx minima
  • Cimolopteryx rara
  • Cimolopteryx petra
66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianLance Formation, Wyoming, USAHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAA fairly small charadriiform, with a maximum size about equal to that of a small gull.
  • Elbertornis bonapartei
70 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaA euenantiornithine.
  • Enantiornis leali
70 MaArgentinaAmong the largest enantiornithines discovered to date, having an ecological niche resembling that of a mid-sized accipitrid.
  • Gargantuavis philoinos
73.5-71.5 MaMarnes Rouges Inferieures Formation, FranceA large flightless euornithine bird that occupied an ecological niche somewhat similar to that of modern ratites or certain non-avian dinosaurs. Its eggs were previously attributed to titanosaurs.
  • Graculavus augustus
68-62 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA charadriiform that lived on the shores of the northwestern Atlantic and the Western Interior Seaway.
  • Gurilynia nessovi
70–66 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA euenantiornithine known from three partial bones.
  • Hesperornis regalis
  • Hesperornis crassipes
  • Hesperornis gracilis
  • Hesperornis altus
  • Hesperornis montana
  • Hesperornis rossicus
  • Hesperornis bairdi
  • Hesperornis chowi
  • Hesperornis macdonaldi
  • Hesperornis mengeli
83.5–66 Ma, Campanian to Maastrichtian
  • Judinornis nogontsavensis
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA basal hesperornithine that, unlike its relatives, apparently lived in estuaries and rivers from the mountains thrown up by the Cimmerian Orogeny through the arid lands of continental East Asia towards the Turgai Sea and the former Shigatze Ocean.
  • Laornis edvardsianus
66–63 Ma, Maastrichtian to DanianHornerstown Formation, New Jersey, USAA neognath that may have been semiaquatic.
  • Lectavis bretincola
70.6–66 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaA genus of euenantiornithine with uncertain evolutionary affinities, it had legs resembling and a body approximately the size of a modern curlew.
  • Martinavis cruzyensis
  • Martinavis minor
  • Martinavis saltariensis
  • Martinavis vincei
  • Martinavis whetstonei
75–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaGres a Reptiles Formation, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, FranceA euenantiornithine known mostly from a collection of humeruses per species.
  • Neogaeornis wetzeli
70–67 MaQuiriquina Formation, Quiriquina Island, ChileA rare hesperornithine closely related to Baptornis (yet some believe it to be a gaviiform). Though apparently somewhat migratory, it is only known from temperate to warm subtropical climates, and it seems that towards the end of the Cretaceous their range shifted towards the South Pole.
  • Palintropus retusus
76.5-66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA poorly-known bird that is sometimes believed to be an early charadriiform or galliform. It is now primarily known to be an ambiortiform.
  • Polarornis gregorii
66 MaLopez de Bertodano Formation, Seymour Island, AntarcticaA gaviiform that was semiaquatic is suggested to be flightless or near-flightless, feeding on fish and large invertebrates. It was very similar to its loon relatives, as well as to grebes, hesperornithines, and penguins.
  • Potamornis skutchi
66 MaLance Formation, Wyoming, USAA hesperornithine with unclear relationships.
  • Soroavisaurus australis
70 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaAn avisaurid known from only a few remains.
  • Telmatornis priscus
71–68 MaNavesink Formation, New Jersey, USAA charadriiform with grebe-like forelimbs
  • Teviornis gobiensis
70 MaNemegt Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA presbyornithid known from pieces of a crushed right forelimb.
  • Tytthostonyx glauconiticus
66 MaHornerstown Formation, New Jersey, USAA little-known bird of unclear affiliations.
  • Vegavis iaai
68–66 MaLopez de Bertodano Formation, Vega Island, AntarcticaAn anseriform known from very few bones.
  • Vorona berivotrensis
70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA euornithine sometimes confused with Rahonavis, a confusion that has led to the common misconception that Vorona had a dromaeosaur-like sickle claw on each foot.
  • Yungavolucris brevipedalis
70.6–66 MaLecho Formation, Salta Province, ArgentinaA small, little-known euenantiornithine that may have been adapted for swimming.

Cartilaginous fish

Cartilaginous fish of the Maastrichtian
  1. Coupatezia trempina
A myliobatiform ray whose genus survived into the Lutetian.
Turonian to Ypresian
100–0 Ma, Cenomanian to present
  • Gibbechinorhinus
  • Microetmopterus
  • Paraginglymostoma
  • Parasquatina
  • Proetmopterus
70–0 Ma, Maastrichtian to present
  1. Rhombodus binkhorsti
  2. Rhombodus levis
  1. Squalicorax kaupi
  2. Squalicorax pristodontus
80–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianNew ZealandJapan


Crocodylomorphs of the Maastrichtian
  1. Acynodon iberoccitanus
  2. Acynodon lopezi
Early Campanian - Late Maastrichtian 83.5–66 Ma France, Spain,


and Slovenia

Initially placed within Alligatoridae but has since been reclassified as a more basal globidontan, the oldest and most primitive known to date.
  1. Adamantinasuchus navae
72.1–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA notosuchian.
  1. Allodaposuchus palustris
  2. Allodaposuchus precedens
84.9–66.043 MaConques Formation, Province of Huesca, Aragon, SpainRomaniaAn average-sized eusuchian, growing to around 3m (10feet) long. The main feature that distinguishes this species from other related crocodylomorphs is the orientation of a groove at the back of the skull called the cranioquadrate passage; unlike the cranioquadrate passages of other crocodylomorphs, which are only visible at the back of the skull, the cranioquadrate passage of this variety is visible when the skull is viewed from the side.
  1. Araripesuchus tsangatsangana
125–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA uruguaysuchid that can be distinguished by their laterally bulged edges of the snout, with the bulge being the most prominent around the area of an enlarged maxillary tooth.
  1. Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum
67.6–66 MaTremp Formation, Province of Huesca, Aragon, SpainA crocodyloid known a partial skull and four teeth. One feature linking it to early crocodilians is the contact of the frontal bones with the margin of the supratemporal fenestrae, two holes in the top of the skull. The frontal bone is also unusual in that its front end is extremely long. A sharp projection of the frontal divides the nasal bones, making up most of the midline length of the snout. Usually, the nasal bones would occupy the midline and the frontal would be restricted near the eye sockets. Near the frontal, the lacrimal bones are unusually wide in comparison to their length.
  1. Armadillosuchus arrudai
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA notosuchian.
  • Barreirosuchus
  1. Barreirosuchus franciscoi
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA trematochampsid.
  1. Baurusuchus albertoi
  2. Baurusuchus pachechoi
  3. Baurusuchus salgadoensis
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA baurusuchid notosuchian.
  1. Borealosuchus sternbergii
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, WyomingA medium-sized crocodilian genus that lived into the Eocene. Borealosuchus sternbergii is the most basal out of the six species in the genus and the one known from the Cretaceous.
  1. Brachychampsa montana
83.5–63.3 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAA globidontan distinguished by an enlarged fourth maxillary tooth in the upper jaw. Its genus dates back to the Campanian and lived until the Danian.
  1. Brasileosaurus pachecoi
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA genus of possible notosuchid notosuchian.
  1. Campinasuchus dinizi
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA baurusuchid.
  1. Caipirasuchus paulistanus
72.1–68 MaAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA sphagesaurid.
  1. Caryonosuchus pricei
72.1–68 MaAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA sphagesaurid characterized by a unique combination of characters, including three autapomorphies such as a rostrum with horn-like tubercles on the maxilla and on the premaxilla. Caryonosuchus also has autapomorphic rough ornamentation with grooves and bony ridges on its rostrum.
  1. Chenanisuchus lateroculi
Maastrichtian to DanianMaliMoroccoA dyrosaurid with the shortest snout relative to the dorsal skull length among all dyrosaurids.
  1. Eothoracosaurus mississippiensis
Late Cretaceous to early PaleoceneRipley Formation, MississippiThis genus is usually regarded as a gavialoid, one of the earliest and most basal known, though a recent study indicates that it was more likely to be a non-crocodilian eusuchian. It survived into the Paleocene.
  1. Itasuchus jesuinoi
70.6–66 MaMarilia Formation, Minas Gerais, BrazilA trematochampsid known from a 370 mm skull, suggesting a total body length of about 3m (10feet).
  1. Labidiosuchus amicum
70-66 MaMarilia Formation, Minas Gerais, BrazilA notosuchian.
  1. Mahajangasuchus insignis
70–65 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA mahajangasuchid that was a fairly large predator, measuring up to 3m (10feet) with a weight up to 360kg (790lb).
  1. Mariliasuchus amarali
  2. Mariliasuchus robustus
84.9–66 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA notosuchian that may have had a pig-like diet and was almost certainly warm blooded.
  1. Miadanasuchus oblita
74–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA trematochampsid known from only a few remains.
  1. Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi
~72–68 Ma Adamantina Formation, BrazilA peirosaurid.
  1. Morrinhosuchus luziae
84.9–66 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA notosuchian.
  1. Ocepesuchus eoafricanus
70.6 to 66.043 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA gavialoid a long snout with a tubular shape, wider than high. It is the oldest-known true crocodilian from Africa.
  1. Pabwehshi pakistanensis
66 MaPab Formation, Balochistan, PakistanA baurusuchid notosuchian.
  1. Peirosaurus torminni
68–66 MaMarilia Formation, Minas Gerais, BrazilA peirosaurid with a ziphodont dentition that is somewhat heterodont, with conical premaxillary teeth and serrated maxillary and posterior mandibular teeth. The rostrum is laterally compressed with a grove between the maxilla and premaxilla to accommodate for an enlarged mandibular tooth. A maxillary wedge-like anterior process is also present. The external nares face slightly forward and anteriorly protrude. The dorsal osteoderms are thin and sculptured with low longitudinal keels while the abdominal ones are smaller and lack keels.
  1. Pepesuchus deiseae
84.9–66 MaPresidente Prudente Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA peirosaurid.
  1. Pissarrachampsa sera
Campanian to MaastrichtianVale do Rio do Peixe Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA baurusuchid.
  1. Rhabdognathus aslerensis
  2. Rhabdognathus keiniensis
66.043 to 61.7 MaNigeriaMaliA dyrosaurid with an extremely elongated snout that makes up around 75% of the length of the entire skull.
  1. Roxochampsa paulistanus
72–68 MaAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA member of itasuchidae, previously known as "Goniopholis" paulistanus. Known from teeth, splenials and dentaries.
  1. Sabresuchus sympiestodon
130.0 to 66.043 MaRomania, SpainA genus of neosuchian crocodyliform in the family Paralligatoridae.
  1. Simosuchus clarki
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA ziphosuchian notosuchian which had teeth shapes like cloves, which coupled with its short and deep snout suggest it was not a carnivore like most other crocodylomorphs. In fact, these features have led many to consider it a herbivore.
  1. Sphagesaurus huenei
84–70 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA sphagesaurid.
  1. Stratiotosuchus maxhechti
72.1–68 Ma, Santonian to MaastricthianAdamantina Formation, Sao Paulo, BrazilA baurusuchid
  1. Thoracosaurus borissiaki
  2. Thoracosaurus macrorhynchus
  3. Thoracosaurus neocesariensis
  4. Thoracosaurus pneumaticus
73.6–50.3 Ma, Campanian to YpresianCrimeaMaastrichter Tuffkreide Formation, Limburg, Netherlands
  • France
  • Hornerstown Formation, New Jersey, USA
  • Navesink Formation, New Jersey, USA
A fairly large gavialoid that comes in a number of species, but most are dubious. A recent study suggests that it might have been a non-crocodylian eusuchian
  1. Uberabasuchus terrificus
85–66 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianMarilia Formation, Minas Gerais, BrazilA peirosaurid that was about 2.5 m long and appears to have a high skull like that of the sebecosuchians, but differs from them in having teeth with circular cross-section. Thus, rather than slicing flesh and blood vessels, it is likely to have inflicted powerful crushing bites. It lived in an arid climate, indicating that it was likely a terrestrial predator.

Ray-finned fish

Bony fish of the Maastrichtian
  • Andinichthys
  • Belonostomus lamarquensis
  • Belonostomus longirostris
82–65 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianAllen Formation, ArgentinaAlberta & Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Chile
  • USA
  • Coriops amnicolus
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USA
  • Hoffstetterichthys
  • Incaichthys
  • Lepisosteus occidentalis
Hell Creek FormationA species of Gar
Hell Creek FormationA type of large fish of the order Amiiformes
Hell Creek FormationA type of paddlefish
  • Xiphactinus audax
  • Xiphactinus vetus
94.3–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianA voracious, predatory ichthyodectid, resembling a gargantuan, fanged tarpon.


Mammals of the Maastrichtian
  1. Alphadon marshi
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USANew Mexico, USA
  • Alberta, Canada
An opossum-like metathere that fed on fruits, invertebrates and possibly smaller vertebrates.
  1. Argentodites coloniensis
70–66 MaLa Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, ArgentinaAn allothere that is either a multituberculate or a gondwanathere.
  1. Barbatodon oardaensis
  2. Barbatodon transylvanicum
  3. Barbatodon ungureanui
Sanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaA small and very rare kogaionid.
  1. Bharattherium jederi
70–66 MaIntertrappean Beds, Telangana, IndiaA sudamericid known from a total of eight isolated teeth.
  1. Buginbaatar clarki
MongoliaA cimolomyid known from incomplete remains.
  • Catopsbaatar
  1. Catopsbaatar catopsaloides
83–70 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianBarun Goyot Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA djadochtatheriid that was originally regarded as a species of Djadochtatherium. One of its most characteristic features is a very deep anterior zygomatic ridge, and a small medial zygomatic ridge, the latter forming about a quarter of a circle and adhering the anterior one from behind.
  1. Cimexomys minor
Maastrichtian to DanianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USADenver Formation, Colorado, USAAn unspecified multituberculate known from small teeth of an eighth to a tenth of an inch in length.
  1. Cimolestes incisus
75–56 Ma, Campanian to ThanetianUSAA basal cimolestan that was once considered to be a marsupial, then a primitive placental mammal, but now is considered to be a member of the order Cimolesta (which was named after the genus), outside of placental mammals proper.
  1. Cimolomys clarki
  2. Cimolomys gracilis
  3. Cimolomys trochuus
Campanian to MaastrichtianUSASaskatchewan, CanadaA widespread cimolomyid that probably weighed about the same as a modern rat.
  1. Clemensodon megaloba
Lance Formation, Wyoming, USAA eucosmodontid strictly known from tooth remains.
  1. Deccanolestes hislopi
  2. Deccanolestes robustus
Intertrappean Beds, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaPreviously referred to as a palaeoryctid, but recent evidence has shown that it is probably the most basal euarchontan, probably more specifically an adapisoriculid.
  1. Didelphodon coyi
  2. Didelphodon padanicus
  3. Didelphodon vorax
73–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALance Formation, Wyoming, UA
  • Scollard Formation, Alberta, Canada
A stagodont metathere that was one of the largest Mesozoic mammals.
  1. Djadochtatherium matthewi
84–70 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianDjadochta Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA djadochtatheriid that was a relatively large multituberculate. It was originally diagnosed as an Asian species of Catopsalis.
  1. Essonodon browni
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USAFrenchman Formation, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Wyoming, USA
  • New Mexico, USA
  1. Ferugliotherium windhauseni
70 MaLos Alamitos Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaA ferugliotheriid with long upper and lower incisors that are rodent-like.
  1. Gondwanatherium patagonicum
84.9–65 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianLos Alamitos Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaA sudamericid that, even though it lived earlier than Sudamerica, is considered more anatomically advanced. Thus, an ancestral lineage outlived their later, more specialized descendants.
  1. Gypsonictops hypoconus
70–65 MaCanadaUSA
  1. Indotriconodon magnus
Intertrappean Beds, Andhra Pradesh, India The youngest eutriconodont known, as well as one of the largest Mesozoic mammals.
  1. Kharmerungulatum vanvaleni
Intertrappean Beds, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaOriginally intrepreted as one of the earliest-known "condylarths", now possibly a zhelestid.[1]
  1. Kimbetohia campi
66–63 Ma, Maastrichtian to DanianNacimiento Formation, New Mexico, USAA ptilodontid that was briefly mistaken for Clemensodon.
  1. Kogaionon ungureanui
Sanpetru Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaAn insectivorous kogaionid, based on a well-preserved skull.
  1. Kryptobaatar gobiensis
  2. Kryptobaatar saichanensis
70.6 MaDjadochta Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA djadochtatheriid with a skull length of perhaps 3 centimeters.
  1. Lavanify miolaka
71–65 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA sudamericid with high-crowned, curved teeth and probably ate hard plant material.
  1. Nanocuris improvida
Saskatchewan, CanadaWyoming, USAOne of the largest deltatheroidan carnivores.[2]
  1. Orretherium tzen
Dorotea FormationLarge mesungulatid meridiolestidan
  1. Patagomaia chainko
Dorotea FormationUnspecified therian mammal, the largest Mesozoic mammal of all time
  1. Patagorhynchus pascuali
Dorotea FormationPlatypus-like monotreme, earliest to occur in South America.
  1. Paracimexomys priscus
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USAAn unspecified multituberculate closely related to Cimexomys.
  1. Purgatorius janisae
  2. Purgatorius titusi
  3. Purgatorius unio
66–63 Ma, Maastrichtian to DanianHell Creek Formation, Montana, USATullock Formation, Montana, USAA non-placental eutherian.[3]
  1. Reigitherium bunodontum
70–66 MaLos Alamitos Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaLa Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, ArgentinaAt first mistaken for either a dryolestid or a docodont, now known to be a meridiolestid dryolestoid.
  1. Sahnitherium rangapurensis
Intertrappean Beds, Andhra Pradesh, India
  1. Stygimys kuszmauli
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USA
  1. Trapalcotherium matuastensis
Allen Formation, Rio Negro Province, ArgentinaA ferugliotheriid known from one tooth, a first lower molar.
  1. Vintana sertichi
65 MaMadagascarA caviomorph-like sudamericid with supersensory capabilities.
  1. Zalambdalestes lechei
84–70.6 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianDjadochta Formation, Omnogovi Province, MongoliaA hopping, insectivorous eutherian.


Plesiosaurs of the Maastrichtian
  • Albertonectes vanderveldei
83–70.6 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianAlberta, Canada
  • Aphrosaurus furlongi
70–66 MaCalifornia, USAAn elasmosaur named after University of California Berkeley field assistant and specimen preparator Eustace Furlong.
  • Aristonectes parvidens
  • Aristonectes quiriquiensis
70–66 MaQuiriquina Formation, Quiriquina Island, ChileAntarcticaAn aristonectine elasmosaur that has been classified variously since the 1941 description of it. It is now known to be an elasmosaurid.
  • Cardiocorax mukulu
Mocuio Formation, Angola
93.5–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianBearpaw Formation, Saskatchewan, CanadaA short-necked plesiosaur from the Late Cretaceous. The only known specimens were found in Herschel, Saskatchewan at the Ancient Echoes Interpretive Centre.
  • Fresnosaurus drescheri
70.6–66 MaCalifornia, USAAn elasmosaur named in honor of Fresno County and Arthur Drescher.
  • Hydrotherosaurus alexandrae
California, USAAn elasmosaur named for its discoverer, Annie Montague Alexander by Samuel Paul Welles.
  • Kaiwhekea katiki
70–69 MaKatiki Formation, Otago, South Island, New ZealandA leptocleidid known from a single, nearly complete specimen.
  • Leurospondylus ultimus
Horseshoe Canyon Formation, Alberta, CanadaA little-known plesiosaur, probably either an elasmosaur or a late-surviving plesiosaurid. Offspring most likely spent their early lives in brackish rivers and estuaries.
  • Mauisaurus haasti
80–69 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianConway Formation, Canterbury, South Island, New ZealandAn elasmosaur that was the largest plesiosaur and, perhaps, the largest marine reptile in New Zealand waters at the time.
  • Trinacromerum kirki
93–70 Ma, Turonian to MaastrichtianManitoba, Canada
72-68 MATahora Formation, New Zealand
  • Zarafasaura oceanis
Ouled Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, Morocco


†Pterosaurs of the Maastrichtian
  1. Aerotitan sudamericanus
70 Ma, Maastrichtian Allen Formation, ArgentinaKnown to be the first unambiguous azhdarchid from South America. The wingspan has been estimated as at least 5m (16feet).
  1. Alcione elainus
66 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA tiny Nyctosaurid from Africa.
  1. Arambourgiania philadelphiae
70.6–66 MaZarqa Governorate, JordanAn azhdarchid known only from fragmentary remains, this pterosaur had a very complicated past. The neck vertebrae that the species is known from was highly elongated, more so then the vertebrae of Quetzalcoatlus; indicating that this creature was indeed quite large.
  1. Barbaridactylus grandis
66 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA relatively large animal for a Nyctosaurid native to Africa.
  1. Eurazhdarcho langendorfensis
69 MaSebes Formation, Alba County, RomaniaA medium-sized azhdarchid (having an estimated wingspan of 3 meters) with some distinctive traits, all present in the cervical vertebrae.
  1. Hatzegopteryx thambema
66 MaDensus-Ciula Formation, Hunedoara County, RomaniaAn azhdarchid known from incomplete remains. The skull fragments, left humerus, and other fossilized remains indicate it was among the largest pterosaurs, very similar (almost identical) to Quetzalcoatlus. The authors estimated the size of Hatzegopteryx by comparing the humerus fragment, 236mm long, with that of Quetzalcoatlus, of which one specimen has a 544mm long humerus. Observing that the Hatzegopteryx fragment presented less than half of the original bone, they established that it could possibly have been "slightly longer" than that of Quetzalcoatlus. They noted that the wing span of the latter had in 1981 been estimated at 11mto12mm (36feetto39feetm), while earlier estimates had strongly exceeded this at 15mto20mm (49feetto70feetm). From this they concluded that an estimate of a 12m (39feet) wingspan for Hatzegopteryx was conservative if its humerus was indeed somewhat longer than that of Quetzalcoatlus. In 2003 they moderated the estimates to a close to 12m (39feet) wing span and an over 2.5abbr=offNaNabbr=off skull length. In 2010 Mark Witton e.a. stated that any appearance that the Hatzegopteryx humerus was bigger than TMM 41450–3 had been caused by a distortion of the bone after deposition and that the species thus likely had no larger wingspan than Quetzalcoatlus, today generally estimated at 10mto11mm (30feetto36feetm).
  1. Navajodactylus boerei
75.56–74.44 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianKirtland Formation, New Mexico, USAA pterosaur of uncertain affinities with an estimated wingspan of 3.5m (11.5feet). Its autapomorphies largely exist in the unique form of the process on the first wing phalanx for the extensor tendon.
  1. P. mauritanicus
66 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoThe first azhdarchid found in North Africa, as well as being unusual among azhdarchids for having elongate vertebrae at the base of the neck (also with neural spines), interpreted as modified dorsal vertebrae; the neck is also one of the most complete known for azhdarchids. The cervical vertebrae are thought to be a series from the fifth (the longest with a length of thirty centimeters) to the ninth. The individual to which the neck belonged would have had a wingspan of about 5m (16feet).
  1. Quetzalcoatlus northropi
68–66 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USAJavelina Formation, Texas, USAAn azhdarchid named after the Mesoamerican Aztec feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl. Alongside Q. northropi, a second species exists without an official specific name yet, currently called Quetzalcoatlus sp.. One of the largest-known flying animals of all time, it had a stork-like lifestyle. When it was first discovered, scientists estimated that the largest Quetzalcoatlus fossils came from an individual with a wingspan as large as 15.9m (52.2feet), choosing the middle of three extrapolations from the proportions of other pterosaurs that gave an estimate of 11, 15.5 and 21 meters, respectively (36 feet, 50.85 feet, 68.9 feet). In 1981, further study lowered these estimates to 11m–12mm (36feet–39feetm). More recent estimates based on greater knowledge of azhdarchid proportions place its wingspan at 10m–11mm (30feet–36feetm). It is known to have a scavenging lifestyle similar to a marabou stork, rather than a fishing lifestyle.
  1. Simurghia robusta
66 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA Nyctosaurid native to Africa.
  1. Tethydraco regalis
66 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA late surviving Pteranodontid native to Africa.
  • Pterosauria indet
  1. Pterosauria indet
70 to 66 MaInter-trappean beds, IndiaThe only late cretaceous Pterosaur native to India.


Squamates of the Maastrichtian
  • Carinodens belgicus
NetherlandsA mosasaurine mosasaur measuring approximately 3.5m (11.5feet) in length, making it one of the smallest-known mosasaurs.
  • Cerberophis
  • Cerberophis robustus
Hell Creek Formation, USAAn advanced snake of uncertain phylogenetic placement.
  1. Eremiasaurus heterodontus
  1. Globidens alabamaensis
  2. Globidens dakotensis
  3. Globidens phosphaticus
  4. Globidens schurmanni
  5. Globidens timorensis
  6. Globidens simplex
84.9–70.6 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianUSA A mosasaurine mosasaur with teeth vastly different from other mosasaurs, as they were globular, as suggested in its generic name. While many other mosasaurs were capable of crushing the shells of ammonites, none were as specialized in dealing with armored prey like Globidens. Globidens, unlike most other mosasaurs, had semispherical teeth with rounded nubbin-like points, which were much better suited for crushing tough armored prey like smaller reptiles and mollusks.
  1. Goronyosaurus nigeriensis
Sokoto State, NigerNigeriaA mosasaur with an almost crocodilian-like head and was one of the few kinds to live in freshwater. It lived in rivers and hunted both aquatic and terrestrial animals in the area.
  1. Hainosaurus bernardi
70.6–66 MaSwedenA tylosaurine mosasaur that had more vertebrae in the neck and tail than its Tylosaurus cousin. It is one of the largest mosasaurs, though its size has been revised more than once.
  1. Halisaurus platyspondylus
USAWith a length of 3m–4mm (10feet–13feetm), this species of halisaurine mosasaur is small compared to most other mosasaurs.
  1. Igdamanosaurus aegyptiacus
70–65 MaEgypt
66 MALopez de Bertodano Formation, Seymour Island, AntarcticaWith a total length estimated over 10m (33 ft) this species is among the largest members of the Tylosaurines, And the only really large antarctic tylosaurine
  1. Kelyophis hechti
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, Madagascar
  1. Liodon anceps
  2. Liodon compressidens
  3. Liodon mosasauroides
  4. Liodon sectorius
99.7–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianFranceNetherlands
  • Spain
  1. Madtsoia madagascariensis
  2. Madtsoia pisdurensis
Campanian to MaastrichtianMadagascarIndia
  1. Menarana nosymena
70–66 MaMaevarano Formation, Mahajanga Province, MadagascarA madtsoiid snake that was probably fossorial, borrowing with its head.
  1. Moanasaurus mangahouangae
North Island, New ZealandA mosasaurine mosasaur that was one of the largest of the mosasaurs.
  1. Mosasaurus beaugei
  2. Mosasaurus conodon
  3. Mosasaurus dekayi
  4. Mosasaurus hoffmannii
  5. Mosasaurus missouriensis
  6. Mosasaurus mokoroa
70–66 MaNetherlandsUSA
  • Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Morocco
  • Angola
  • Bulgaria
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Italy
  • Poland
  • Turkey
  • Syria
  • Conway Formation, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand
  • Nedophis
  1. Nedophis insularis
  1. Obamadon gracilis
66–65 MaHell Creek Formation, Montana, USALance Formation, Wyoming, USAA polyglyphanodontian lizard known from two lower jaw fragments, each less than a centimeter in length. It had a V-shaped connection between the two halves of the lower jaw, a slot-and-ridge type connection between the dentary bone of the lower jaw and another missing bone called the splenial bone, and teeth that are implanted within the jaw bone. Its jaw is thin and straight, unlike the curved jaws of most other polyglyphanodontians. Obamadon is estimated to have been about 30cm (10inches) in length and may have preyed on insects. It was named after United States president Barack Obama.
  1. Plesiotylosaurus crassidens
California, USA
  1. Plotosaurus tuckeri
California, USAA mosasaurine mosasaur that was probably a faster swimmer than most other mosasaurs.
  • Polyglyphandon
Utah, USA
  1. Prognathodon currii
  2. Prognathodon giganteus
  3. Prognathodon kianda
  4. Prognathodon overtoni
  5. Prognathodon rapax
  6. Prognathodon saturator
  7. Prognathodon solvayi
  8. Prognathodon waiparaensis
84.9–66 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianUSAAlberta, Canada
  • Netherlands
  • South Island, New Zealand
  • Morocco
  • Jordan
  • Angola
  • Spain
A mosasaurine mosasaur that had protective bony rings surrounding its eye sockets, indicating it lived in deep water. Its teeth are similar to those of some Triassic placodonts, so it may have lived a similar lifestyle, feeding on shellfish, large fish and sea turtles.
  1. Sanajeh indicus
68 MaLameta Formation, IndiaA madtsoiid snake that is known to eat the eggs and hatchlings of dinosaurs.
  1. Socognathus unicuspis
Campanian to MaastrichtianLance Formation, Wyoming, USAAlberta, Canada
  1. Taniwhasaurus antarcticus
  2. Taniwhasaurus mikasaensis
  3. Taniwhasaurus oweni
85.8–66.043 Ma, Santonian to MaastrichtianSanta Marta Formation, James Ross Island, AntarcticaConway Formation, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand
  • Japan
A widespread tylosaurine mosasaur. T. owni was the first species discovered and the two other species (T. antarcticus and T. mikasaensis) were at first assigned to two different genera: Lakumasaurus and Yezosaurus.


Testudines of the Maastrichtian
  • Alienochelys selloumi
Oulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, Morocco
75–66 Ma, Campanian to MaastrichtianUSA
  • Cedrobaena putorius
66–56.8 Ma, Maastrichtian to SelandianHell Creek Formation, Wyoming, USA
  • Compsemys victa
Hell Creek Formation, Montana, USAA dermatemydid that was a moderately-sized turtle up to 30cm (10inches) long, with a carapace covered with raised, flattened tubercles, which are not seen in any other turtle. Similar to an alligator snapping turtle, with its sharply hooked beak; this relative of the Central American river turtle must have been a semiaquatic carnivore.
  • Dollochelys
  • Dollochelys atlantica
  • Dollochelys coatesi
70–65 MaNew Jersey & Maryland, USA
  • Gamerabaena sonsalia
Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota, USAA baenid that was similar to Palatobaena, but it differs in its lack of a posterior expansion of the triturating (or chewing) surface, a somewhat rectangular skull, and a wide angle between the maxillae. Gamerabaena also has a lingual ridge on the inner side of the jaw that is not seen in Palatobaena. It is named after Gamera, the kaiju created by the Daiei Motion Picture Company.
  • Gigantatypus salahi
JordanA cheloniid sea turtle that was one of the largest sea turtles ever.
  • Gilmoremys lancensis
Hell Creek Formation, North Dakota, USALance Formation, Wyoming, USAA softshell turtle that is known from five skulls, a mandible and an incomplete postcranial skeleton. One find consists of a nearly complete carapace and an isolated hyoplastral fragment.
  • Kurmademys kallamedensis
70.6–65 MaKallamedu Formation, India
  • Ocepechelon bouyai
67 MaOulad Abdoun Basin, Khouribga Province, MoroccoA dermochelyid with a feeding apparatus unique among tetrapods and shares unique convergences with both syngnathids (unique long tubular bony snout ending in a rounded and forward directed mouth) and beaked whales (large size and elongated edentulous jaws).
  • Palatobaena bairdi
  • Palatobaena cohen
70.6–65 MAFort Union Formation, Wyoming, USAHell Creek Formation, North Dakota, USA
  • Patagoniaemys gasparinae
Campanian to MaastrichtianLa Colonia Formation, Chubut Province, ArgentinaA little-known basal turtle.
  • Peckemys brinkman
Hell Creek Formation, USA
  • Pneumatoarthrus peloreus
Kansas, USAA protostegid sea turtle that was at first mistakenly believed to be a hadrosaur by Edward Drinker Cope.
  • Shweboemys
  • Shweboemys pisdurensis
94–65, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianIndia


Choristoderes of the Maastrichtian
  • Champsosaurus albertensis
  • Champsosaurus annectens
  • Champsosaurus laramiensis
  • Champsosaurus lindoei
  • Champsosaurus natator
84.9–36 Ma, Santonian to Eocene Alberta & Saskatchewan, CanadaHell Creek Formation, Montana & Wyoming, USAA gharial-like champsosaurid that hunted in rivers and swamps, catching fish with its long, tooth-lined jaws. The genus survived until the Ypresian.
  • Cteniogenys antiquus
167.7–70.6 Ma, Bathonian to MaastrichtianUSACanadaA cteniogenid originally believed to be either a lizard or a frog. It lived from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous.
  • Eotomistoma multidentata
99.7–66 Ma, Cenomanian to MaastrichtianChina

See also

Notes and References

  1. James David Archibald · Alexander Olegovich Averianov, Phylogenetic analysis, taxonomic revision, and dental ontogeny of the Cretaceous Zhelestidae (Mammalia: Eutheria), Article · Feb 2012 · Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
  2. Rougier . G. W. . Davis . B. M. . Novacek . M. J. . 2015 . A deltatheroidan mammal from the Upper Cretaceous Baynshiree Formation, eastern Mongolia . Cretaceous Research . 52 . 167–177 . 10.1016/j.cretres.2014.09.009 .
  3. 10.1111/brv.12242. 28075073. Resolving the relationships of Paleocene placental mammals. Biological Reviews. 92. 1. 521–550. 2017. Halliday. Thomas J. D.. Upchurch. Paul. Goswami. Anjali. 6849585.