Evergreen Formation Explained

Evergreen Formation
Type:Geological formation
Age:Lower Pliensbachian- Late Toarcian
Prilithology:Sandstone, siltstone, mudstone
Otherlithology:Coal, ironstone
Namedfor:"Evergreen Shales"
Coordinates:-25.8°N 150.3°W
Paleocoordinates:-61.7°N 90°W
Unitof:Bundamba Group
Subunits:Boxvale Sandstone & Westgrove Ironstone Members
Underlies:Hutton Sandstone
Overlies:Precipice Sandstone
Thickness:Up to 255m (837feet)

The Evergreen Formation is a Pliensbachian to Toarcian geologic formation of the Surat Basin in New South Wales and Queensland, eastern Australia. Traditionally it has been considered to be a unit whose age has been calculated in between the Pliensbachian and Toarcian stages of the Early Jurassic, with some layers suggested to reach the Aalenian stage of the Middle Jurassic, yet modern data has found that an Early Pliensbachian to Latest Toarcian age is more possible.[4] [5] [6] The formation was named due to the "Evergreen Shales", defined with a lower unit, the Boxvale Sandstone, and a partially coeval, partially younger upper unit, the Westgrove Ironstone Member.[7] This unit overlies the Hettangian-Sinemurian Precipice Sandstone, as well several informal units such as the Nogo Beds, and Narayen beds, as well Torsdale Volcanics.[7] This unit likely was deposited in a massive lacustrine body with possible marine environment influences.[8]


Fossil content

Indeterminate Unionoid bivalves are know from the Kolane Station.


  • Asterosoma isp.
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Moonie 34 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
Radiating bulb-like swelling burrowsAnnelid worm, vermiform organismFreshwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils
  • Conichnus isp.
  • Domichnia
  • Cubichnia
trailsGastropodsFreshwater/Blackish fillings-like ichnofossils
  • Cylindrichnus isp.
  • Domichnia
Long, subconical, weakly curved burrows
  • Anemones
  • Polychaete worms
Freshwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils
  • Diplocraterion parallelum
Domichnia U-shaped burrows Marine-Mangroove Vertical, U-shaped, single-spreite Burrows; unidirectional or bidirectional spreite, generally continuous, rarely discontinuous. Most Diplocraterion show only protrusive spreiten, like the local ones, produced under predominantly erosive conditions where the organism was constantly burrowing deeper into the substrate as sediment was eroded from the top.
  • Helminthopsis isp.
Fodinichnia Simple, unbranched, horizontal cylinder traces
  • Polychaetes
  • Priapulids
Saltwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils.
  • Lockeia amygdaloides
  • Lockeia isp.
  • Cubichnia
  • Domichnia
Dwelling traces
  • Bivalves
Marine, brackish or freshwater resting traces of Bivalves.
  • Naktodemasis isp.
FodinichniaStraight to sinuous, unlined and unbranched burrows
  • Soil bugs
  • Cicada nymphs
  • Scarabaeid beetle larvae
Freshwater/Terrestrial burrow-like ichnofossils.
  • Palaeophycus tubularis
Domichnia Straight or gently curved tubular burrows.
  • Polychaetes
  • Semiaquatic Insects (Orthoptera and Hemiptera)
  • Semiaquatic and non-aquatic Beetles.
Freshwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils.
  • Phycosiphon isp.
FodinichniaIrregularly meandering burrowsVermiform AnimalsFreshwater burrow-like ichnofossils.
  • Planolites montanus
  • Planolites beverleyensis
  • Planolites isp.
Pascichnia Cylindrical or elliptical curved/tortuous trace fossils
  • Polychaetes
  • Insects
Freshwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils. Planolites is really common in all types of the Ciechocinek Formation deposits. It is referred to vermiform deposit-feeders, mainly Polychaetes, producing active Fodinichnia. It is controversial, since is considered a strictly a junior synonym of Palaeophycus.
  • Scolicia isp.
  • Cubichnia
Symmetrical trail or burrow GastropodsFreshwater/Blackish trail-like ichnofossils
  • Skolithos isp.
DomichniaCylindrical strands with branches
  • Polychaetes
  • Phoronidans
Blackish trace ichnofossils. Interpreted as dwelling structures of vermiform animals, more concretely the Domichnion of a suspension-feeding Worm or Phoronidan.
  • Siphonichnus ophthalmoides
DomichniaCylindrical strands with branches
  • Polychaetes
  • Phoronidans
Blackish trace ichnofossils. Interpreted as dwelling structures of vermiform animals, more concretely the Domichnion of a suspension-feeding Worm or Phoronidan.
  • Taenidium serpentinum
  • Taenidium isp.
FodinichniaUnlined meniscate burrows
  • Deposit-feeding Sipuncula
  • Polychaetes
  • Phoronidans
Freshwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils. Taenidium is a meniscate backfill structure, usually considered to be produced by an animal progressing axially through the sediment and depositing alternating packets of differently constituted sediment behind it as it moves forward.
  • Thalassinoides isp.
Tubular FodinichniaTubular Burrows Burrow-like ichnofossils. Large burrow-systems consisting of smooth-walled, essentially cylindrical components. Common sedimentary features are Thalassinoides trace fossils in the fissile marlstone to claystone intervals
  • Teichichnus isp.
Fodinichnia Vertical to oblique, unbranched or branched, elongated to arcuate spreite burrow
  • Polychaetes
  • Dwelling Echiurans
  • Dwelling Holothurians.
Saltwater/Blackish burrow-like ichnofossils. The overall morphology and details of the burrows, in comparison with modern analogues and neoichnological experiments, suggest Echiurans (spoon worms) or Holothurians (sea cucumbers) with a combined suspension- and deposit-feeding behaviour as potential producers.


GenusSpeciesLocationStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Plesiosauria[11] [12] Indeterminate
  • Kolane Station, 58 km ENE of Taroom
Westgrove Ironstone Member
  • QM F10440, Limb, girdle and vertebral fragments from a single skeleton
  • QM F10441, partial skeleton
A Freshwater Plesiosaur with affinities with Pliosauridae and Neoplesiosauria
Siderops[13] Siderops kehli
  • Kolane Station, 58 km ENE of Taroom
Westgrove Ironstone Member
  • QM F7822, nearly complete skull with mandible and postcrania
A gigantic chigutisaurid temnospondyl, representing a relictual genus isolated in the Australian Ecoregion, as well one of the largest Mesozoic amphibians


GenusSpeciesStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • Anapiculatisporites dawsonensis
  • Anapiculatisporites pristidentatus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with Bryophyta.
  • Cingutriletes clavus
  • Circulisporites parvus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with Bryophyta.
  • Distalanulisporites punctus
  • Distalanulisporites verrucosus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Sphagnaceae in the Sphagnopsida.
  • Foraminisporis spp.
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Notothyladaceae in the Anthocerotopsida.
  • Nevesisporites vallatus
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with Bryophyta. This spore is found in Jurassic sediments associated with the polar regions.
  • Polycingulatisporites crenulatus
  • Polycingulatisporites densatus
  • Polycingulatisporites mooniensis
  • Polycingulatisporites triangularis
  • Polypodiaceoisporites tortuosus
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Notothyladaceae in the Anthocerotopsida. Hornwort spores.
  • Rogalskaisporites cicatricosus
  • Rogalskaisporites multicicatricosus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Sphagnaceae in the Sphagnopsida.
  • Stereisporites antiquasporites
  • Stereisporites radiatus
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Sphagnaceae in the Sphagnopsida. "Peat moss" spores, related to genera such as Sphagnum that can store large amounts of water.
  • Staplinisporites caminus
  • Staplinisporites manifestus
  • Staplinisporites pocockii
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Encalyptaceae in the Bryopsida. Branching moss spores, indicating high water-depleting environments.


GenusSpeciesStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • Antulsporites granulatus
  • Antulsporites saevus
  • Antulsporites varigranulatus
  • Antulsporites spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Selaginellaceae in the Lycopsida.
  • Apiculatisporis spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with Lycopodiopsida
  • Cadargasporites baculatus
  • Cadargasporites granulatus
  • Cadargasporites reticulatus
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Selaginellaceae in the Lycopsida. Herbaceous lycophyte flora, similar to ferns, found in humid settings. This family of spores are also the most diverse in the formation.
  • Camarozonosporites clivosus
  • Camarozonosporites ramosus
  • Camarozonosporites rudis
  • Camarozonosporites spp.
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Lycopodiaceae in the Lycopodiopsida. Lycopod spores, related to herbaceous to arbustive flora common in humid environments.
  • Lycopodiumsporites austroclavatidites
  • Lycopodiumsporites circolumenus
  • Lycopodiumsporites rosewoodensis
  • Lycopodiumsporites semimuris
  • Lycopodiumsporites triangularis
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Lycopodiaceae in the Lycopodiopsida. Lycopod spores, related to herbaceous to arbustive flora common in humid environments.
  • Neoraistrickia elongata
  • Neoraistrickia suratensis
  • Neoraistrickia truncata
  • Neoraistrickia spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Selaginellaceae in the Lycopsida.
  • Punctatosporites walkomii
  • Boxvale Area
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with Lycopodiopsida.
  • Retitriletes austroclavatidites
  • Retitriletes huttonensis
  • Retitriletes rosewoodensis
  • Retitriletes semimurus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Lycopodiaceae in the Lycopodiopsida.
  • Sestrosporites pseudoalveolatus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Lycopodiaceae in the Lycopodiopsida. Lycopod spores, related to herbaceous to arbustive flora common in humid environments.
  • Uvaesporites verrucosus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Selaginellaceae in the Lycopsida.


GenusSpeciesStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
Annulispora[14] [15]
  • Annulispora altmarkensis
  • Annulispora badia
  • Annulispora densata
  • Annulispora folliculosa
  • Annulispora microannulata
  • Annulispora radiata
  • Annulispora triangularis
  • Annulispora spp.
  • Boxvale area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the genus Saccoloma, type representative of the family Saccolomataceae. This fern spore resembles those of the living genus Saccoloma, being probably from a pantropical genus found in wet, shaded forest areas.
  • Baculatisporites comaumensis
  • Boxvale area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Near fluvial current ferns, related to the modern Osmunda regalis.
  • Biretisporites modestus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Marattiaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Fern spores from low herbaceous flora.
  • Cingulatisporites caminus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Clavatisporites hammenii
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Cyathidites australis
  • Cyathidites minor
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Cyatheaceae in the Cyatheales. Arboreal fern spores.
  • Dictyophyllidites mortoni
  • Boxvale area
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Matoniaceae in the Gleicheniales.
  • Dictyophyllidites mortoni
  • Boxvale area
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Matoniaceae in the Gleicheniales.
  • Duplexisporites problematicus
  • Duplexisporites spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Foveosporites moretonensis
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Gleicheniidites senonicus
  • Gleicheniidites spp.
  • Boxvale area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Gleicheniales in the Polypodiopsida. Fern spores from low herbaceous flora.
  • Granulatisporites spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the Pteridaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Forest ferns from humid ground locations.
  • Heliosporites spp
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Ischyosporites marburgensis
  • Ischyosporites surangulus
  • Boxvale area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Leiotriletes directus
  • Leiotriletes magnus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Leptolepidites major
  • Leptolepidites verrucatus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Dennstaedtiaceae in the Polypodiales. Forest fern spores.
  • Matonisporites spp
  • Boxvale area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Matoniaceae in the Gleicheniales.
  • Osmundacidites wellmanii
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Near fluvial current ferns, related to the modern Osmunda regalis.
  • Peroaletes rugosus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Perotrilites tenuis
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Incertae sedis; affinities with the Pteridophyta
  • Polypodiisporites ipsviciensis
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Dennstaedtiaceae in the Polypodiales. Forest fern spores.
  • Rugulatisporites ramosus
  • Rugulatisporites spp.
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Spores
Affinities with the family Osmundaceae in the Polypodiopsida. Near fluvial current ferns, related to the modern Osmunda regalis.


GenusSpeciesStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • Alisporites australis
  • Alisporites lowoodensis
  • Alisporites similis
  • Boxvale Area
  • Pollen
Affinities with the families Peltaspermaceae, Corystospermaceae or Umkomasiaceae in the Peltaspermales. Pollen of uncertain provenance that can be derived from any of the members of the Peltaspermales. The lack of distinctive characters and poor conservation make this pollen difficult to classify. Arboreal to arbustive seed ferns.
  • Kekryphalospora distincta
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the families Peltaspermaceae, Corystospermaceae or Umkomasiaceae in the Peltaspermales. Extremely abundant
  • Vitreisporites contectus
  • Vitreisporites pallidus
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
From the family Caytoniaceae in the Caytoniales. Caytoniaceae are a complex group of Mesozoic fossil floras that may be related to both Peltaspermales and Ginkgoaceae.


GenusSpeciesStratigraphic positionMaterialNotesImages
  • Araucariacites australis
  • Araucariacites fissus
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • Callialasporites dampierii
  • Callialasporites turbatus
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Araucariaceae in the Pinales. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.
  • Classopollis classoides
  • Classopollis meyeriana
  • Classopollis simplex
  • Classopollis spp.
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the Hirmeriellaceae in the Pinopsida.
  • Inaperturopollenites turbatus
  • Inaperturopollenites spp.
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the Pinidae inside Coniferae.
  • Indusiisporites parvisaccatus
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Podocarpaceae inside Coniferae.
  • Perinopollenites elatoides
  • Boxvale Area
  • Chinchilla 4 Borehole
  • Condabri MB9-H Borehole
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Kenya East GW7 Borehole
  • Moonie 31 Borehole
  • Reedy Creek MB3-H Borehole
  • Roma 8 Borehole
  • Taroom 17 Borehole
  • West Wandoan 1 Borehole
  • Woleebee Creek GW4 Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Cupressaceae in the Pinopsida. Pollen that resembles that of extant genera such as the genus Actinostrobus and Austrocedrus, probably derived from dry environments.
  • Podocarpidites ellipticus
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Podocarpaceae. Pollen from diverse types of Podocarpaceous conifers, that include morphotypes similar to the low arbustive Microcachrys and the medium arbustive Lepidothamnus, likely linked with Upland settings
  • Podosporites spp.
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Podocarpaceae.
  • Trisaccites variabilis
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Podocarpaceae.
  • Zonalapollenites dampieri
  • Zonalapollenites segmentatus
  • Zonalapollenites trilobatus
  • Boxvale Area
  • GSQ Mundubera Borehole
  • Pollen
Affinities with the family Pinaceae in the Pinopsida. Conifer pollen from medium to large arboreal plants.

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. La Croix . Andrew D. . Sobczak . Kasia . Esterle . Joan S. . Bianchi . Valeria . Wang . Jiahao . He . Jianhua . Hayes . Phil . Underschultz . Jim R. . Garnett . Andrew . 2022 . Integrating palynostratigraphy with zircon geochronology in the Lower Jurassic Precipice Sandstone and Evergreen Formation to improve stratigraphic correlation within the Great Artesian Basin, Australia . Marine and Petroleum Geology . 144 . 4 . 56–89 . 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105845 . 2022MarPG.14405845L . 0264-8172.
  2. Hogetoorn . D.J. . Jurassic reservoirs of the Surat Basin . World Petroleum Congress . 1967 . 7 . 161–170 . 31 May 2023.
  3. Waschbusch . P. . Korsch . R.J. . Beaumont . C. . Geodynamic modelling of aspects of the Bowen, Gunnedah, Surat and Eromanga Basins from the perspective of convergent margin processes . Australian Journal of Earth Sciences . 2009 . 56 . 3 . 309–334 . 10.1080/08120090802698661 . 2009AuJES..56..309W . 31 May 2023.
  4. Web site: Australian Government- Geoscience Australia Australian Stratigraphic Units Database. ga.gov.au. Geoscience Australia. 19 January 2015.
  5. Todd. Christopher N.. Roberts. Eric M.. Knutsen. Espen M.. Rozefelds. Andrew C.. Huang. Hui-Qing. Spandler. Carl. December 2019. Refined age and geological context of two of Australia's most important Jurassic vertebrate taxa (Rhoetosaurus brownei and Siderops kehli), Queensland. Gondwana Research. 76. 19–25. 10.1016/j.gr.2019.05.008. 2019GondR..76...19T .
  6. Sobczak . Kasia . La Croix . Andrew D. . Esterle . Joan . Hayes . Phil . Holl . Heinz-Gerd . Ciesiolka . Rachael . Crowley . James L. . Allen . Charlotte M. . 2022 . Geochronology and sediment provenance of the Precipice Sandstone and Evergreen Formation in the Surat Basin, Australia: Implications for the palaeogeography of eastern Gondwana . Gondwana Research . 111 . 189–208 . 10.1016/j.gr.2022.08.003 . 2022GondR.111..189S . 1342-937X.
  7. Withnall . I. W. . Hutton . L. J. . Bultitude . R. J. . Von Gnielinski . F. E. . Rienks . I. P. . Geology of the Auburn Arch, southern Connors Arch and adjacent parts of the Bowen Basin and Yarrol Province, central Queensland . Queensland Geology . 2009 . 12 . 2 . 13–32 . 31 May 2023.
  8. Martin . M. . Wakefield . M. . Bianchi . V. . Esterle . J. . Zhou . F. . Evidence for marine influence in the Lower Jurassic Precipice Sandstone, Surat Basin, eastern Australia . Australian Journal of Earth Sciences . 2017 . 65 . 1 . 75–91 . 10.1080/08120099.2018.1402821 . 31 May 2023.
  9. La Croix . A. D. . Wang . J. . He . J. . Hannaford . C. . Bianchi . V. . Esterle . J. . Undershultz . J. R. . Widespread nearshore and shallow marine deposition within the Lower Jurassic Precipice Sandstone and Evergreen Formation in the Surat Basin, Australia . Marine and Petroleum Geology . 2019 . 109 . 3 . 760–790 . 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.06.048 . 2019MarPG.109..760L . 10289/12877 . 30 May 2023. free .
  10. Jell . P. A. . An Early Jurassic millipede from the Evergreen Formation in Queensland . Alcheringa . 1983 . 7 . 3 . 195–199 . 10.1080/03115518308619618 . 1983Alch....7..195J . 30 May 2023.
  11. Thulborn . Richard A . Warren . Anne . Early Jurassic plesiosaurs from Australia . Nature . 1980 . 285 . 57 . 224–225 . 10.1038/285224a0 . 1980Natur.285..224T . 30 May 2023.
  12. Kear . B. P. . A revision of Australia's Jurassic plesiosaurs . Palaeontology . 2012 . 55 . 5 . 1125–1138 . 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2012.01183.x . 2012Palgy..55.1125K . 30 May 2023.
  13. Warren . A. A. . Hutchinson . M. N. . The Last Labyrinthodont? A New Brachyopoid (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) from the Early Jurassic Evergreen Formation of Queensland, Australia . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences . 1983 . 303 . 1113 . 1–62 . 10.1098/rstb.1983.0080 . 1983RSPTB.303....1W . 30 March 2022.
  14. Paten . R.J. . 1967 . Microfloral distribution in the Lower Jurassic Evergreen Formation of the Boxvale area, Surat Basin,Queensland . Queensland Government Mining Journal . 68 . 79 . 345–349.
  15. McKellar . J. L. . 1974 . Jurassic miospores from the upper Evergreen Formation, Hutton Sandstone, and basal Injune Creek Group, north-eastern Surat Basin . Geological Survey of Queensland . 361 . 35 . 1–47 . ResearchGate.