1961 in paleontology explained



Acer beckianum[1] Sp novValidPrakash & BarghoornLanghianGinkgo Petrified Forest
A maple, described from petrified wood
Acer palaeorufinerve[2] sp novValidTanai & OnoeMiocene - PlioceneNingyo-toge FormationA maple, A member of the Macrantha section.
Davisicarpum[3] Gen et sp novvalidChandlerYpresianLondon Clay
A moon seed relative.
Type species D. gibbosum



AvalonianusGen et comb novNomen dubiumKuhnLate Triassic (Rhaetian)
Dubious non-dinosaurian archosaur;
replacement name for Avalonia Seeley, 1898 (non Walcott, 1889).
"Dasygnathoides"Gen et comb novNomen dubium?KuhnLate Triassic (Carnian)Lossiemouth Sandstone
A pseudosuchian of uncertain affinity.[4]
Replacement name for Dasygnathus Huxley, 1877 (non MacLeay, 1819).


Data courtesy of George Olshevsky's dinosaur genera list.[5]

"Astrodonius"[6] Gen et comb novJunior synonymKuhnEarly CretaceousArundel Formation United States
Junior synonym of Astrodon.
CampylodoniscusGen et comb novNomen dubium.KuhnLate CretaceousBajo Barreal FormationA possible titanosaur
Replacement name for "Campylodon" von Huen 1929
"Pachysaurops"[7] Gen et sp novJunior synonymvon HueneLate Triassic GermanyJunior synonym of Plateosaurus.


Anas pullulans[8] Sp nov.validEarly PlioceneJuntura Formation
An Anatidae.
EremochenGen et Sp nov.validBrodkorbEarly PlioceneJuntura Formation
An Anatidae, type species E. russelli.
Fulica infelixSp. nov.validBrodkorbEarly PlioceneJuntura Formation
A Rallidae.
Ocyplonessa shotwelliSp. nov.jr synonymBrodkorbLate Miocene - Early PlioceneJuntura Formation
An Anatidae,
moved to Histrionicuslli shotwelli by Olson & Rasmussen, 2001[9]
Megapaloelodus opsigonusSp. nov.validBrodkorb Early PlioceneJuntura Formation
A Palaelodidae.
Neortyx[10] Gen et Sp. nov.validEarly PlioceneJuntura Formation
An Odontophoridae
Type species N. peninsularis
Phalacrocorax leptopusSp. nov.validBrodkorb Early PlioceneJuntura Formation
A Phalacrocoracidae.
Puffinus mitchelli[11] Sp. nov.validMiddle MioceneTemblor Formation
A Procellariidae.
Puffinus priscusSp. nov.validMillerMiddle MioceneTemblor Formation
A Procellariidae.


  1. Prakash . U. . Barghoorn . E. S. . 1961 . Miocene fossil woods from the Columbia Basalts of central Washington . Journal of the Arnold Arboretum . 42 . 2 . 165–203 . 10.5962/bhl.part.19013 . 127699009 . free .
  2. Wolfe . J.A. . Tanai . T. . 1987 . Systematics, Phylogeny, and Distribution of Acer (maples) in the Cenozoic of Western North America . Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. Series 4, Geology and Mineralogy . 22 . 1 . 1–246 .
  3. Manchester . S.R. . Fruits and Seeds of the Middle Eocene Nut Beds Flora, Clarno Formation, Oregon . 1994 . Palaeontographica Americana . 58 . 30–31.
  4. von Baczko. M. Ezcurra. Martin. 2016-10-17. Taxonomy of the archosaur Ornithosuchus: reassessing Ornithosuchus woodwardi Newton, 1894 and Dasygnathoides longidens (Huxley 1877). Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 106. 3. 199–205. 10.1017/S1755691016000104. 88658892. 11336/49897. free.
  5. Web site: Olshevsky . George . Dinogeorge's Dinosaur Genera List . 2008-08-07 . 2011-07-15 . https://web.archive.org/web/20110715102453/http://www.polychora.com/dinolist.html . dead .
  6. Kuhn, O. 1961. Die Familien der rezenten und fossilen Amphibien und Reptilien. Meisenbach, Bamberg: 79 pages.
  7. Huene, F. von. 1961. Palaontologie und Phylogenie der Niederen Tetrapoden. Nachtrage und Erganzungen. Fischer, Jena: 58 pages.
  8. Brodkorb . Pierce . 1961 . Birds from the Pliocene of Juntura, Oregon . Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences . 24 . 3 . 169–184 .
  9. Olson . Storrs L. . Rasmussen . Pamela C. . 2001 . Miocene and Pliocene Birds from the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina . Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology . 90 . 233–365 .
  10. Holman . J. Alan . 1961 . Osteology of Living and Fossil New World Quails . Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences . 6 . 2 . 131–233 .
  11. Miller . Loye Holmes . 1961 . Birds from the Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, California . Condor . 63 . 5 . 399–402 . 10.2307/1365299. 1365299 .